Creating OraclePCA Tags

On Oracle Compute Cloud@Customer you can use the OraclePCA tag namespace to enable resource attributes that aren't available as CLI options or API attributes.

You can configure the OraclePCA tag namespace to enable these attributes:

Block Volume Attributes

  • Synchronous Write Bias

    You can enable the selection of LATENCY or THROUGHPUT when a block volume is created.

  • Secondary Cache

    You can enable the selection of ALL, METADATA, or NONE when a block volume is created.

File System Attributes

  • Quota

    You can enable the setting of a quota limitation when a file system is created.

  • Database record size

    You can enable the selection of different database record sizes when a file system is created.

  • Backing store pool

    You can enable the selection of PCA_POOL_HIGH and poolName when a file system is created.

The following procedures describe how to configure the OraclePCA tags so that the resource attributes are available when you create your resource, such as a block volume or file system.

Creating the OraclePCA Tag Namespace

  1. In the Oracle Cloud Console, open the navigation menu, click Governance & Administration, and then click Tag Namespaces.

  2. If OraclePCA isn't shown in the Tag Namespaces list, click Create Tag Namespace.

    If the OraclePCA namespace already exists, don't continue. Instead, go to Creating the OraclePCA Tag Key Definitions.

  3. In the Create Tag Namespace dialog box, enter the following information:

    • Create in Compartment: Select the compartment in which you want to create the namespace definition.
    • Namespace Definition Name: Enter OraclePCA.
    • Description: Enter a description. For example, Support resource attributes that are available.
  4. Click Create Tag Namespace.

    The details page for the new OraclePCA tag namespace definition is displayed.

Next, create tag key definitions. See Creating the OraclePCA Tag Key Definitions.

Creating the OraclePCA Tag Key Definitions

  1. On the OraclePCA tag namespace details page, click Create Tag Key Definition.

  2. In the Create Tag Key Definition dialog box, enter values for an attribute you want to enable. The attributes and values are shown in the following table.


    You don't need to configure all the following tag key definitions. Configure only the tag key definitions for the attributes you want to enable.

    Attribute Value
    Block Volume Synchronous Write Bias Tag Key Definition
    • Tag Key: Enter logBias.

    • Description:Enter a description. For example, Control the use of the write cache flash devices for a share or LUN. Avoid entering confidential information.

    • Tag Value Type: Select A List of Values.

    • Values: Enter the following values, each on a separate line:

      • LATENCY
    Block Volume Secondary Cache Tag Key Definition
    • Tag Key: Enter secondaryCache.

    • Description: Enter a description. For example, Control the use of the read cache flash devices for a share or LUN. Avoid entering confidential information.

    • Tag Value Type: Select A List of Values.

    • Values: Enter the following values, each on a separate line:

      • ALL
      • METADATA
      • NONE
    File System Quota
    • Tag Key: Enter quota.

    • Description: Enter a description. For example, The quota value in gigabytes includes the data in the file system and all snapshots created under the file system. Avoid entering confidential information.

    • Tag Value Type: Select Static Value.

    File System Database Record Size
    • Tag Key: Enter databaseRecordSize.

    • Description: Enter a description. For example, The size of a database record in bytes. Avoid entering confidential information.

    • Tag Value Type: Select A List of Values.

    • Values: Enter the following values, each on a separate line:

      • 512
      • 1024
      • 2048
      • 4096
      • 8192
      • 16384
      • 32768
      • 65536
      • 131072
      • 262144
      • 524288
      • 1048576
    File System Backing Store Pool
    • Tag Key: Enter poolName.

    • Description: Enter a description. For example, Whether to use the default storage pool, or use a high performance pool as the backing store pool. Avoid entering confidential information.

    • Tag Value Type: Select A List of Values.

    • Values: Enter the following values, each on a separate line:
      • PCA_POOL
  3. Click Create Tag Key Definition.

    The details page for the new tag key definition is displayed.

  4. (Optional) Repeat this procedure to create more tag key definitions.

Configuring Resources to Use Attributes Provided by OraclePCA Tags

Depending on the resource you want to create, see one of these sections: