Removing a Reference Mapping

Remove references that you have mapped or replaced in a Data Integration application.

    1. On the workspace home page, click Applications.
    2. On the Applications page, select the compartment that contains the application.
    3. In the applications list, click the name of the application that has reference mappings.
    4. On the application details page, click References.
    5. In the References section, click Data assets or Tasks.
    6. Select Remove mapping from the Actions menu (Actions menu) of the reference mapping that you want to remove.

      A reference that shows a name link or name in the Mapped to column is a mapping that can be removed.

      When you remove a reference mapping, the original reference value before mapping is reinstated in the application.

  • Use the oci data-integration reference update command and required parameters, with an empty payload, to remove a reference mapping in an application in Data Integration:

    oci data-integration reference update [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Run the UpdateReference operation with an empty payload, to remove a reference mapping in an application in Data Integration.