Listing Models

List the models in a Data Science project.

    1. Use the Console to sign in to a tenancy with the necessary policies.
    2. Open the navigation menu and select Analytics & AI. Under Machine Learning, select Data Science.
    3. Select the compartment that contains the project with the model.

      All projects in the compartment are listed.

    4. Select the name of the project.

      The project details page opens and lists the notebook sessions.

    5. Under Resources, click Models.

      A tabular list of models in the compartment is displayed.

    From this Models page, you can perform the following actions:

    • Select a model to view its details and work with it.

    • Use the Actions menu to view a model's details, edit it, move it to a different compartment, or delete it.

    • For an OCID, use the Show and Hide links to display the full OCID. Use Copy to save the entire OCID to the clipboard to paste it elsewhere.

    • Create a model version set to use with models by selecting Create model version set.

    • Get a sample artifact file by selecting Download sample artifact zip.

    • Sort the list of models in the Models table by selecting the arrow in the column name.

    • Use the List scope filter to view models associated with the selected project in another compartment.

    • Under Filters, use the lists to repopulate the Models table.

    • Filter models based on their tags by selecting add or clear next to Tag filters.

      From the Tags tab, view the tags that have been applied to the model, and optionally update, remove, or add a tag.

  • Use the oci data-science model list command and required parameters to list the models in a project:

    oci data-science model list --compartment-id <compartment-id>... [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Use the ListModels operation to list the models in a project.