App Development Settings

Here is a reference to the settings you may use in the development of the app for your Android channel.

Network Configuration

Property Name Description Required? Default Value
channelId The ID of the Oracle Android channel. Yes N/A
userId The unique identifier for user. This value gets initialized by the SDK if not provided. No A randomly generated value
authTokenProvider An instance of AuthenticationTokenProvider, which is used to generate a new token whenever the SDK needs to establish a new connection using a client authentication-enabled channel and when existing token is expired. Yes N/A

Feature Flags

Property Description Required? Default Value
actionsLayout An object of type ActionsLayout which sets the layout orientation of local, global, card and form actions. No new ActionsLayout(LayoutOrientation.VERTICAL, LayoutOrientation.VERTICAL, LayoutOrientation.VERTICAL, LayoutOrientation.VERTICAL)
disablePastActions A field for disabling the button clicks on the messages that a user has already interacted with. The allowed values are all, none, and postback. The behavior enabled by this property is independent of the digital assistant-level configuration for disabling the selection of past actions. You need to set the two separately. No all
displayPreviousMessages Enables or disables the display of previous messages after the SDK has been re-initialized. When set to false, the previous messages are not displayed for the user after re-initialization of SDK. No true
enableAgentSneakPreview Sends the user-entered text along with the typing status to the agent. No false
enableArrowsForHorizontalCards Enables navigation arrows for the horizontal card view when set to true, but disables them when set to false. No false
enableAttachment Enables attachment sharing in the chat view. When set to true, you can restrict items that are available in the share menu popup using shareMenuItems.

This setting is deprecated in Release 22.02. Use timeStampType instead.

No true
enableAttachmentSecurity When set to true, extra headers are passed to the attachment upload requests to ensure that they can't be downloaded without passing a valid signed JWT token as an authorization header.

Note: Do not enable this setting if the skill connects to an ODA instance that's Version 20.08 or runs on any version prior to 20.08. This property only applies to client auth-enabled connections to Versions 20.12 and higher of the ODA platform.

No false
enableClearMessage Enables the clear message button in the header of the chat view. No false
enableDefaultClientResponse When set to true, the client displays default responses when the skill response has been delayed, or when there's no response from the skill. No false
enableEndConversation Enables the user to end the conversation and reset the chat session. It also clears the local conversation history, disconnects from the chat server and closes the activity No true
enableNotification Enables or disables new message notifications from the SDK when the chat application is running in the background. The SDK won't provide any notifications when you set this flag to false. No true
enableNotificationSound Enables the notification sound on new skill messages while the chat view is open. This feature only applies when enableNotificationSoundSetting is set to false. No true
enableNotificationSoundSetting Enables the notification sound setting button in the chat view header. No false
enableSendTypingStatus Sends the typing status of the user to the live agent. No false
enableSpeechRecognition Enables the speech recognition service to convert user voice to text messages. Set this property to true to use the enableSpeechRecognitionAutoSend property. No false
enableSpeechRecognitionAutoSend When enableSpeechRecognitionAutoSend is set to true (the default), the user's speech response is automatically sent to the chat server (and displays as a sent message in the chat window). When set to false, the user's speech response is rendered in the message text field before it's sent to the chat server so that the user can modify it before sending it manually, or delete the message.

This functionality is only available when enableSpeechRecognition is set to true.

No true
enableSpeechSynthesis Enables the skill's audio response button in the header of the chat view. When the button is in the unmute state, the skill's responses are read aloud. No false
enableTimestamp Enables the timestamp for messages. No true
googleMapsApiKey The Google Maps API key that’s used to display a location preview image for Location messages. No N/A
initSpeechSynthesisMuted This flag, which is only applicable when enableSpeechSynthesis is true, determines whether the skill's audio response button will be active (unmute) by default initially, or muted. By default, it is set to true, where the button is muted. No true
initUserHiddenMessage A user text message that's used to initiate a conversation. This message, which is sent when chat view is ready, does not actually display in the chat. No N/A
initUserProfile Initializes the user profile before the conversation starts. The profile payload must be of type User. The profile is updated before sending the value in initUserHiddenMessage. No N/A
linkHandler A field used to set link handler for opening links, either in a webview or a browser. WebviewLinkHandlerType is an enum with two values: BROWSER and WEBVIEW. No WebviewLinkHandlerType.BROWSER
messageModifierDelegate An instance of type MessageModifierDelegate which is used to receive callbacks before certain events in the conversation. No N/A
multiLangChat Enables the chat widget to both detect a user's language and allow the user to select a preferred language from a dropdown menu in the header. Multi-Lingual Chat describes how create this menu. No  
notificationCustomizer An instance of the NotificationCustomizer class which is used to customize notifications received from SDK. No N/A
reconnectMaxAttempts The number of attempts made by the chat widget to reconnect when the initial connection fails. No 5
saveClickedImagesInGallery When set to true (the default), an image captured by the skill users using the camera will be saved to the gallery and will be uploaded directly to the skill as an attachment. If you don't want the images saved to the gallery, then set saveClickedImagesInGallery to false. No true
shareMenuItems Restricts the items that display in the share menu item and customizes the menu's icons and labels. To configure these items, pass an ArrayList of Objects to shareMenuItems. The Arraylist objects can either be ShareMenuItem enum values that are mapped to the share menu items or a ShareMenuCustomItem object. To use this flag, you must set enableAttachment to true. No N/A
showBotAvatar Enables the display of the skill's avatar icon beside the skill's messages. No false
showConnectionStatus Enables the connection status to display in the chat view header. No false
showPersonAvatar Enables the display of the skill’s avatar icon beside the skill’s messages and on the notifications. If your skill has live agent integration, setting this flag to true displays agent’s avatar icon beside the agent’s messages and on the notifications. No false
showTypingIndicator Enables the typing indicator to display while waiting for skill's response. No true
showUserAvatar Enables the display of a user avatar icon beside a user messages. No false  
speechLocale The expected locale of the user's speech that's used for voice recognition. The supported locales are Australia-English (en-au), UK-English (en-gb), French (fr-fr), German (de-de), Indian-Hindi (hi-in), Indian-English (en-in), Italian (it-it), Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br), Spanish (es-es), and the default, US-English (en-us). Call the Bots.setSpeechLocale(<locale>) API to set the speech locale dynamically. Voice recognition will not work if an unsupported locale has been passed. No "en-us"
speechSynthesisService An instance of the SpeechSynthesisService that's used to inject a text to speech (TTS) service. Applicable only if enableSpeechSynthesis is set to true. No N/A
speechSynthesisVoicePreferences Configures the language and voice that read the skill's messages aloud by taking a list of instances that are of type SpeechSynthesisSetting as its parameter. If the device does not support the preferred voice, then the default voice for the preferred language is used instead. When neither the preferred voice or language are supported, then the default voice and language are used. No N/A
subtitle Sets the subtitle of the chat view, which is displayed below the title on the chat view header. If the subtitle flag is set and either (or both) the showConnectionStatus, showTypingIndicator are set to true, then the subtitle is displayed instead of either the connection status or the typing indicator. No N/A
timestampFormat Formats the timestamps that display in the messages. It can accept a string of format tokens like 'mm:ss:a'. Refer to the Android documentation for information about valid timestamp patterns No N/A
timestampType If you enable timestamps by setting enableTimestamp to true, you can use set a relative timestamp that appears only on the latest message by setting timestampType: 'relative'. N/A  
title Sets the title in the header of the chat view. No N/A
typingIndicatorTimeout Sets the number of seconds after which the typing indicator is automatically removed if the chat view has not yet received the response. No 30
typingStatusInterval Sets the interval, in seconds, to throttle the typing status that's sent to the live agent. No 3
WebViewConfig Sets the attributes of the in-widget webview, such as its size (partial or full) or customizations to the clear button. Customizations to clear button inside the webview can also be done. No Sets the configuration settings for of the webview.
youtubeApiKey Supports the streaming of YouTube videos by setting the YouTube API key. No N/A

Custom Colors

You can modify the chat view's colors to give it a custom look. To configure these colors, define name attributes for the <color> elements in the res/values/colors.xml file (located in the project's app resources) using the the following keys. The following snippet demonstrates a modifications of the color that's used for the background of the skill's message (odaas_primary) and the text color used in the skill's (odaas_on_primary) message while maintaining the default colors for other resources.
    <color name="odaas_primary">#6699FF</color>
    <color name="odaas_on_primary">#000000</color>

Version 20.8.1 of the SDK resets the colors for prior versions. For example, if the background color of the action buttons in the existing implementation is #418980, then this will be changed to the default color of odaas_action_background (introduced in 20.8.1), which is #FFFFFF. For implementations created using versions prior to 20.8.1, you can set custom colors by updating the res/values/colors.xml file in your application. For example:
        <color name="odaas_action_background">#418980</color>
Key Description Default Value
odaas_action_background The background color of the action and global action buttons. #FFFFFF
odaas_agent_avatar_background_color The background color used for the avatar layout when agent avatar is unavailable and the agent name initials display instead. #A890B6
odaas_agent_avatar_text_color The text color used for the agent name initials that display inside the agent avatar layout. #FFFFFF
odaas_agent_name_text_color The text color used for the agent name that displays above the agent messages. #A6161513
odaas_background The background color for the view. #F5F4F2
odaas_bot_avatar_background The background color used for the skill's avatar. #bdbdbd
odaas_bot_avatar_background The background color of the skill avatar. #bdbdbd
odaas_card_background The background color of the card messages and their action buttons. FFFFFF
odaas_dialog_accent The color that's used for buttons and progress bars on the dialog window that is shown before clearing messages and while uploading attachments. 161513
odaas_dialog_background The background color of the dialog window that is shown before clearing messages and while uploading attachments. #FFFFFF
odaas_dialog_box_negative_button_background The background color of the decline button that appears in the alert dialog box. @android:color/transparent
odaas_dialog_box_negative_button_text_color The text color of the decline button that appears in the alert dialog box. #161513
odaas_dialog_box_positive_button_background The background color of the confirm button that appears in the alert dialog box. #161513
odaas_dialog_box_positive_button_text_color The text color of the confirm button that appears in the alert dialog box. #FFFFFF
odaas_error The text color that's used in error messages. @android:color/white
odaas_footer_accent The border and cursor color of the input field in the footer. #01579B
odaas_footer_attach_button The color of the attachment button. #161513
odaas_footer_background The background color of the footer. #FFFFFF
odaas_footer_buttons The background color of the interactive buttons in the footer, except for the send button. 161513
odaas_footer_inline_send_button The color of the inline send button that appears within the input field when enableSpeechRecognitionAutoSend is set to true. #161513
odaas_footer_input_background The background color of the input field in the footer. #FFFFFF
odaas_footer_mic_button The color of the mic button. #161513
odaas_footer_send_button The color of send button. #FFFFFF
odaas_footer_send_button_background The background color of the send button. #161513
odaas_header_buttons The background color of the interactive buttons in the header. #FFFFFF
odaas_on_action_background The text color used with the odaas_action_background color. @android:color/black
odaas_on_background The text color used with the odaas_background color. @android:color/black
odaas_on_card_action_text The text color of the action buttons on the card. @android:color/black
odaas_on_card_description_text The text color used for the description of the card. @android:color/white
odaas_on_card_title_text The text color used for the title of the card. @android:color/white
odaas_on_dialog_background The text color used with the odaas_dialog_background color on dialog windows. @android:color/black
odaas_on_footer_input_background The text color used with the odaas_footer_input_background color in the footer. @android:color/black
odaas_on_multichat_spinner_background The background color of the multi-language chat dropdown menu before the popup window opens. #F1EFED
odaas_on_multichat_spinner_popup_background The background color of the multi-language chat dropdown menu after the popup window opens. #FFFFFF
odaas_on_multichat_spinner_popup_border The border color of the multi-language chat dropdown menu items after the popup window opens. #BDBDBD
odaas_on_multichat_spinner_popup_text_color The text color used for the items in the multi-language chat dropdown menu. @android:color/black
odaas_on_multichat_spinner_text_color The text color for a selected item in the multi-language chat dropdown menu. #161513
odaas_on_primary The text color that's used with the odaas_primary color #161513
odaas_on_primary_variant_dark The text color used with the odaas_primary_variant_dark color. #161513
odaas_on_primary_variant_light The text color used with the odaas_primary_variant_light color. @android:color/black
odaas_on_secondary The text color used with the odaas_secondary color. #161513
odaas_on_secondary_variant_light The text color used with the odaas_secondary_variant_light color. @android:color/black
odaas_on_speech_view_background The text color used with the odaas_speech_view_background color in speech mode. @android:color/white
odaas_on_status_bar_transparent The background color of status bar when the webview is opened. @android:color/transparent
odaas_on_webview_header_background_redwood The background color of the in-widget webview header in the Redwood Theme mode #201E1C
odaas_person_avatar_background The background color of the user avatar. #bdbdbd
odaas_primary The primary branding color that's used for the background of the skill's message and for the background of the interactive buttons in the footer. #FFFFFF
odaas_primary_status_bar The color that's used in the status bar. #DCD7D1
odaas_primary_variant_dark The dark variant of primary color that's used in app bar and in notifications. #F1EFED
odaas_primary_variant_light The light variant of the primary color that's used in the background for the skill's attachment messages. #E4E1DD
odaas_rating_star The color that indicates that a user has not yet selected a rating feedback button. @android:color/white
odaas_rating_star_fill The color that indicates that a user has selected a rating feedback button. #DAA520
odaas_secondary The secondary branding color that's used for the background of the user messages background and for the background of the skill's action buttons. #E4E1DD
odaas_secondary_variant_dark The dark variant of the secondary color that's used for the background of user attachment messages. #CCCCCC
odaas_secondary_variant_light The light variant of the secondary color that's used in background for the actions buttons that have been disabled. #BDBDBD
odaas_selected_text_highlighted_color The color of the text that's highlighted for a copy or share operation. #B6AFAF
odaas_speech_view_background The background color of the footer in speech mode. #FFFFFF
odaas_speech_view_button The color of the cancel button in speech mode. #161513
odaas_speech_visualizer_background The background color of the speech visualizer in speech mode. #12000000
odaas_speech_visualizer_color The bar color of the speech visualizer in speech mode. #5C926D
odaas_timestamp_font_color The text color used with the odaas_timestamp_header_background color in the relative timestamp mode. #5b5652
odaas_timestamp_header_background The background color used with the timestamp header in the relative timestamp mode. #d3d3d3

Custom Text

You can customize the default text displayed in the chat view by modifying the following strings. You can configure these strings by defining the name attributes for <string> elements in the app resource's res/value/strings.xml file using the following keys. For example, to change the title of the chat view, define the odaas_bot_chat_title key:
    <string name="odaas_bot_chat_title">Support</string>
In this example, only the chat title has been changed. The other string resources maintain their default values.
Key Description Default Value
odaas_bot_chat_title The title of the chat view that's displayed in the chat view header. This resource is used only when the title feature flag is not set. Digital Assistant
odaas_bot_status_connected The status text that displays when the connection between chat view and the Oracle Chat Server has been established. Connected
odaas_bot_status_connecting The status text that displays while the chat view connects to the Oracle Chat Server. Connecting
odaas_bot_status_disconnected The status text that displays when the connection between the chat view and the Oracle Chat Server has closed. Disconnected
odaas_bot_status_responding The status text that displays while the user waits for the skill's response.

This string is deprecated in Release 22.06.

odaas_button_clear_label The text for the clear button in the webview. DONE
odaas_capture_photo The menu item text in the attachment popup that's used for sending photos captured by the device's camera which are to be uploaded to the server as attachments. Capture Photo
odaas_captured_image_folder The name of the folder inside the Pictures directory where images that have been clicked will be saved. If no customizations have been provided, then by default, the clicked images are saved inside the Camera folder of DCIM. N/A
odaas_clear_messages_dialog_button_no The action text that appears on the Clear Messages popup for a negative action. No
odaas_clear_messages_dialog_button_yes The action text that appears on the Clear Messages popup for a positive action. Yes
odaas_content_desc_attachment_loaded The content description for the attachment message after loading the attachment successfully. Open attachment
odaas_content_desc_attachment_loading The content description for the attachment message while the attachment is loading. Loading attachment
odaas_content_desc_attachment_loading_error The content description for the attachment message when the attachment fails loading. Error in loading attachment
odaas_content_desc_audio_pause The content description for the pause button of the audio player. Pause audio
odaas_content_desc_audio_play The content description for the play button of the audio player. Play audio
odaas_content_desc_button_attach The tooltip that appears when a long press gesture has been detected on the attachment button. Also, the content description for the attachment button. Upload Attachment
odaas_content_desc_button_audio_response_off The tooltip that appears when a long press gesture has been detected on the mute button for the audio response. Also, the content description for the mute button of the audio response. Unmute
odaas_content_desc_button_audio_response_on The tooltip that appears when a long press gesture has been detected on the unmute button for the audio response. Also, the content description for the unmute button of the audio response. Mute
odaas_content_desc_button_back The tooltip that appears when a long press gesture has been detected on the back button on the chat view header. Also, the content description for back button. Navigate Up
odaas_content_desc_button_cancel The tooltip that appears when a long press gesture has been detected on the keyboard button that is shown while user’s voice message is being recorded. Also, the content description for the keyboard button. Cancel
odaas_content_desc_button_clear The tooltip that appears when a long press gesture has been detected on the clear button. Also, the content description for the clear button. Clear Chat
odaas_content_desc_button_download The tooltip that appears when a long press gesture has been detected on the download button. Also, the content description for the download button. Download
odaas_content_desc_button_end_conversation The content description for the end conversation button. End Conversation
odaas_content_desc_button_notification_sound_off The tooltip that appears when a long press gesture has been detected on the mute button for the notification sound. Also, the content description for the mute button of the notification sound. Turn On Notification Sound
odaas_content_desc_button_notification_sound_on The tooltip that appears when a long press gesture has been detected on the unmute button for the notification sound. Also, the content description for the unmute button of the notification sound. Turn Off Notification Sound
odaas_content_desc_button_send The tooltip that appears when a long press gesture has been detected on the Send button. Also, the content description for the send button. Send
odaas_content_desc_button_speak The tooltip that appears when a long press gesture has been detected on the Microphone button. Also, the content description for the microphone button. Speak
odaas_content_desc_location_loaded The content description for the location message after loading the location preview image successfully. Open Location in Maps
odaas_content_desc_location_loading The content description for the location message while the location preview image is loading. Loading location preview image
odaas_content_desc_location_loading_error The content description for the location message when the location preview image loading fails. Error in loading location preview image. Tap to reload image.
odaas_content_desc_multi_lang_chat The text that appears along with the language detection icon in the overflow menu. Select Language
odaas_content_desc_read_status The content description for the tick mark ('✓') for read messages. This string appears only when enableTimestamp is set to true. Read
odaas_content_desc_video_pause The content description for the pause button of video player. Pause video
odaas_content_desc_video_play The content description for the play button of video player. Play video
odaas_content_timestamp_a_few_moments_ago The relative timestamp that displays ten seconds after the message has been received and before 60 seconds has elapsed since the last message was received. a few moments ago
odaas_content_timestamp_day The relative timestamp that displays every day since the previous message was received. %1$s is replaced by the number of days that have passed. %1$sd ago
odaas_content_timestamp_hour The relative timestamp that displays every hour for the first 24 hours after the previous message was received. %1$s is replaced by the number of hours that have passed. %1$shr ago
odaas_content_timestamp_min The relative timestamp that displays every minute since the last message was received. %1$s is replaced by the number of minutes that have passed. %1$smin ago
odaas_content_timestamp_month The relative timestamp that displays every month since the previous message was received. %1$s is replaced by the number of months that have passed. %1$smth ago
odaas_content_timestamp_now The relative timestamp that displays for a new message. Now
odaas_content_timestamp_year The relative timestamp that displays each year after the previous message was received. %1$s is replaced by the number of years that have passed. %1$syr ago
odaas_default_greeting_message The default client greeting response that's displayed when the skill response has not received within the number of seconds set by defaultGreetingTimeout. Hey, Nice to meet you! Allow me a moment to get back to you.
odaas_default_greeting_timeout The default timeout, in seconds, after which a default greeting message displays. 5
odaas_default_sorry_message The default client response when the skill response has not received a message within the number of seconds set by typingIndicatorTimeout. `I'm sorry, but I can't get the right content right now. Please try again.`
odaas_default_wait_message The default response that displays at the interval when an actual skill response has not received. This interval is set, in seconds, by defaultWaitMessageInterval. I'm still working on your request. Thank you for your patience!
odaas_default_wait_message_interval he default interval, in seconds, that the default wait message displays. 5
odaas_dialog_text_clear_messages The text displayed within a popup that prompts the user for confirmation before clearing the messages. Clear messages?
odaas_download_dialog_message The message in the download dialog popup that displays when a user initiates a download from within the in-widget webview. Do you want to save
odaas_download_dialog_negative_button The text for download dialog's negative button that cancels a download that a user has initiated from within the in-widget webview. Cancel
odaas_download_dialog_positive_button The text for download dialog's negative button that confirms a download that a user has initiated from within the in-widget webview. Yes
odaas_download_dialog_title The title of the download dialog popup that displays when a user initiates a download from within the in-widget webview. Download
odaas_end_conversation_action_yes The text for the confirm button in the end session confirmation prompt. Yes
odaas_end_conversation_alert_message The message body of the end conversation confirmation prompt. This will also clear your conversation history.
odaas_end_conversation_alert_no The text for the decline button in the end session confirmation prompt. No
odaas_end_conversation_alert_title The title of the end conversation confirmation prompt. Are you sure you want to end the conversation?
odaas_error_in_capturing_photo The error message that's displayed when an error occurs while capturing a photo from the camera of the device. Error in capturing photo.
odaas_error_in_recording_audio The error message that's displayed when an error occurs while establishing connection to Oracle speech server. Error in recording audio. Please try again later.
odaas_error_in_speech_recognition The error message that's displayed when no input, or too much input, is given in speech. Speech Recognition Error.
odaas_error_speech_unsupported_locale The error message that's displayed when a voice recording has been attempted and an unsupported speech locale has been configured for voice recognition. The set speech locale is not supported. Can not start recording.
odaas_file_uploading_in_progress The text displayed within the popup while uploading a user's attachment to the Oracle Server. Uploading file to server.....
odaas_hint_edit_text_user_message The placeholder text that appears in the user input field. Type your message
odaas_hint_text_view_speech_mode The placeholder text that appears in the text view of speech mode before the user starts speaking. Speak your message
odaas_no_messages_to_clear The message displayed when there are no messages to clear. No messages to clear
odaas_no_speech_error The status text that's displayed when the Chat Server cannot recognize a voice because no user input has been detected. Could not detect the voice, no message sent.
odaas_notification_attachment_message The message that's displayed in the notification for an attachment message that's received from the skill. The text for %1$s is set to the Notification title that's defined using the NotificationCustomizer class, described in the SDK (available from the ODA and OMC download page ). %1$s has sent you an Attachment Message.
odaas_notification_card_message The message that's displayed in the notification for a Card message that's received from the skill. The text for %1$s is set to the Notification title that's defined using the NotificationCustomizer class, described in the SDK (available from the ODA and OMC download page ). %1$s has sent you a Card Message.
odaas_notification_card_message The message that is displayed in the notification for a card message received from the skill.  
odaas_notification_fallback_message The fallback message that is displayed in the notification for a message received from the skill. The text for %1$s is set to the Notification title that's defined using the NotificationCustomizer class, described in the SDK (available from the ODA and OMC download page ). %1$s has sent you a Message.
odaas_notification_fallback_message The fallback message that is displayed in the notification for a message received from the skill.  
odaas_notification_intent The activity to open, when tapped by the user, on notifications received from the SDK. The text for %1$s is set to the Notification title that's defined using the NotificationCustomizer class, described in the SDK (available from the ODA and OMC download page ).
odaas_notification_location_message The message that is displayed in the notification for a location message received from the skill. The text for %1$s is set to the Notification title that's defined using the NotificationCustomizer class, described in the SDK (available from the ODA and OMC download page ). %1$s has sent you a Location Message.
odaas_page_loading The text within the popup while a page is loading inside a webview. Please Wait...Page is Loading.
odaas_require_audio_recording_permission The error message that's displayed when users deny permission for recording the audio. Audio recording permission is needed to record audio
odaas_require_download_to_storage_access_permission The error message that's displayed when users deny the storage access permission to save the downloaded file. Storage access permission is needed to download file
odaas_require_location_permission The error message that's displayed when users deny permission to access their locations. Location access permission is needed to track location
odaas_require_storage_access_permission The error message that's displayed when access to storage has been denied. Storage access permission is needed to attach files
odaas_share_audio The menu item text in the attachment popup used for sharing audio file. Share Audio
odaas_share_file The menu item text in the attachment popup used for sharing a generic file. Share File
odaas_share_message_chooser_title The title of the application chooser that's displayed when user clicks the Share action. Share using:
odaas_share_visual The menu item text in the attachment popup used for sharing an image or video file. Share Image/Video
odaas_skill_message The skill message indicator for screen readers. It's spoken by screen readers before the skill response. The text is not displayed in the chat view. Skill says:
odaas_speech_to_text_dialog_placeholder The placeholder text displayed on the speech recognition popup before the user starts speaking. This property is deprecated in Release 20.8.1. From that release onward, the setting for this property will be ignored. Listening.....
odaas_star_rating The message that's read aloud when a user rating button has been clicked while the user is in accessibility mode. Rate %1$s star
odaas_too_much_speech_error The error message that's displayed when a user provides voice message that's too long to be recognized. Too much voice input to recognize. Can not generate recognized text.
odaas_user_message The user message indicator for screen readers. It's spoken by screen readers before the user messages. I say:


To localize these strings, define the name attributes for the <string> elements in the app resource's res/values-<your-language-code>/strings.xml file with the keys. For example, to localize the title of the chat view in English, define the following in a file called res/value-en/strings.xml:
    <string name="odaas_bot_chat_title">Support</string>
To localize the title in French, you'd add the following to a file called res/value-fr/strings.xml file:
    <string name="odaas_bot_chat_title">Soutien</string>
The values for res/value/strings.xml are used by default for the keys that are not found in res/values-<your-language-code>/strings.xml. For these two examples, the default values would be used for the resources that are not defined in either the res/value-fr/strings.xml or res/value-en/strings.xml files.

Custom Icons

Configure drawables by adding the required images or vector assets to the app resource's res/drawable folder that have the following names.
Name Description
ic_odaas_agent_avatar The avatar icon for the messages from the live agent. This icon displays in notifications only when the showBotAvatar feature flag is set to true.
ic_odaas_bot_avatar The avatar icon for the skill's messages. This icon displays on notifications only when the showBotAvatar feature flag is set to true.
ic_odaas_download The download icon that appears on the attachment message that's sent by the skill.
ic_odaas_image_zoom The icon for the zoom control that appears on an image attachment message that's sent by the skill.
ic_odaas_notification_app_icon The app icon displayed in the status bar and on notifications received from SDK library.
ic_odaas_person_avatar The avatar icon for user messages.
ic_odaas_rating The icon used for the feedback rating button.

Set Feature Flags

Use the BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder class to initialize the BotsConfiguration class.

Use these constructors:
  • BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder(String chatServerUrl, boolean clientAuthEnabled, Context context)
    • chatServerUrl – The URL to the Oracle Chat and Attachment Server. This cannot be null.
    • clientAuthEnabled - Determines whether the channel's client authentication settings are enabled or disabled.
    • context – The application context. This cannot be null.
    BotsConfiguration botsConfiguration = new BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder(<SERVER_URI>, false, getApplicationContext())
  • BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder(String chatServerUrl, Context context) – This can be used to establish a connection to channel with client authentication enabled.
    • chatServerUrl – The URL to the Oracle Chat and Attachment Server. This cannot be null.
    • context – The application context. This cannot be null.
    BotsConfiguration botsConfiguration = new BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder(<SERVER_URI>, getApplicationContext())

Initialize the SDK

Use the following methods to initialize the SDK:
  • public static void init(Application application, BotsConfiguration botsConfiguration)
  • public static void init(Application application, BotsConfiguration botsConfiguration, BotsCallback botsCallback)
  • public static void init(Application application, String chatServerUrl, String channelId, String userId, BotsCallback botsCallback)
  • public static void init(Application application, String chatServerUrl, AuthenticationTokenProvider authTokenProvider, BotsCallback botsCallback)

public static void init(Application application, BotsConfiguration botsConfiguration)

The public static void init(Application application, BotsConfiguration botsConfiguration) method initializes all of the services based on the BotsConfiguration instance passed by the user and establishes the WebSocket connection to the Oracle Chat Server.

  • application – The application instance. This cannot be null.
  • botsConfiguration – The BotsConfiguration object used to control the features of library. This cannot be null.

public static void init(Application application, BotsConfiguration botsConfiguration, BotsCallback botsCallback)

The public static void init(Application application, BotsConfiguration botsConfiguration, BotsCallback botsCallback) method initializes all of the services based on the BotsConfiguration instance passed by the user and establishes the WebSocket connection to the Oracle Chat Server.

  • application – The application instance. This cannot be null.
  • botsConfiguration – The BotsConfiguration object used to control the features of library. This cannot be null.
  • botsCallback – The callback received while establishing the connection.
Bots.init(getApplication(), botsConfiguration, new BotsCallback() {
    public void onSuccess(Response paramResponse) {}
    public void onFailure(Response paramResponse) {}

public static void init(Application application, String chatServerUrl, String channelId, String userId, BotsCallback botsCallback)

The public static void init(Application application, String chatServerUrl, String channelId, String userId, BotsCallback botsCallback) method initializes all of the services with the default configuration. This method can be invoked to connect to a channel with client authentication disabled.

  • application – The application instance. This cannot be null.
  • chatServerUrl – The URL of the Oracle Chat Server. This cannot be null.
  • channelId – The Channel ID belonging to the Oracle Android channel that's routed to the skill or digital assistant. This cannot be null.
  • userId – A unique identifier for the user. The SDK initializes this value when it's not provided.
  • botsCallback – The callback received while establishing the connection to the Oracle Chat Server.
Bots.init(getApplication(), chatServerUrl, authTokenProvider, new BotsCallback() {
    public void onSuccess(Response paramResponse) {}
    public void onFailure(Response paramResponse) {}

public static void init(Application application, String chatServerUrl, AuthenticationTokenProvider authTokenProvider, BotsCallback botsCallback)

Invoke the public static void init(Application application, String chatServerUrl, AuthenticationTokenProvider authTokenProvider, BotsCallback botsCallback method to connect to a channel that has client authentication enabled. This method initializes all of the services with the default configuration.

  • application – The application instance. This cannot be null.
  • chatServerUrl – The URL of the Oracle Chat Server. This cannot be null.
  • authTokenProvider – The instance of AuthenticationTokenProvider, which is used to generate the authentication token whenever it's needed.
  • botsCallback – The callback received while establishing connection.
BotsConfiguration botsConfiguration = new BotsConfiguration.BotsConfigurationBuilder(<SERVER_URI>, getApplicationContext())

Interface AuthenticationTokenProvider

The public String getAuthToken method returns the string of the generated token.

An instance of this interface can be passed to the authTokenProvider property to allow the SDK to generate a new authentication token when one is required to establish an authenticated channel connection. When implementing this interface, override the public String getAuthToken method.
private class AuthTokenProvider implements AuthenticationTokenProvider {
    public String getAuthToken() {
        // Generate a new JWT Token and return

Interface BotsCallback

This interface acts as a callback while initializing the library.
  • void onSuccess(Response paramResponse) – This method is called when the web socket connection has been successfully established.
  • void onFailure(Response paramResponse) – This method is called on any failures that occur while initializing the library.

Show Conversation Activity

After initializing the SDK, display the conversation view by invoking public static void show(Context context). This method's context parameter is the context from which to start the activity.

Customize Notifications

You can customize the notifications received for the skill's messages by instantiating the NotificationCustomizer class and passing the instance to the notificationCustomizer property. The constructors are:
  • NotificationCustomizer()– Initializes the notification channel with the default configuration.
  • NotificationCustomizer(String channelId) – Initializes the notification channel with the given channel ID. The channelId parameter is the ID of the notification channel through which the notifications are sent.
  • NotificationCustomizer(String channelId, String channelName, String description, String title) – Initializes the notification channel with the given parameters:
    • channelID – The ID of the notification channel through which notifications are sent.
    • channelName – The name of the notification channel through which the notifications are sent.
    • description – A description of the notification channel through which the notifications are sent.
    • title – The title displayed on the notifications.
For example:
new BotsConfiguration.NotificationCustomizer(<NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID>,