Exadata Fleet Update Actions
Learn to manage Exadata Fleet Update actions and jobs.
- Run Stage, Precheck, and Apply Actions
For each Maintenance Cycle, perform Actions on the targets in the collection. You can run the Actions manually or configure to run at a scheduled date and time. - Re-Run Jobs While Action In Progress
You can restart a failed job while the Action is still in progress. - View or Download Job Logs
To view the progress of a job or to download the logs for a job, use this procedure. - Download Failed Job Logs
To download the logs for a failed job, use this procedure. - Retry Failed Actions and Jobs
Hover the mouse over the tooltip icon for the canceled action to view the reason why the Action was canceled. - Rollback and Remove Failed Target
To rollback and remove the failed targets, use this procedure. - Rollback Updates Applied to All Targets in the Collection
To rollback the updates applied to the targets in a maintenance cycle, use this procedure. - Clean Up the Maintenance Cycle
You can optionally clean up the maintenance cycle.
Parent topic: How-to Guides
Run Stage, Precheck, and Apply Actions
For each Maintenance Cycle, perform Actions on the targets in the collection. You can run the Actions manually or configure to run at a scheduled date and time.
The Actions for a Maintenance Cycle are run sequentially in the same order as follows: Precheck (Stage) > Stage software > Precheck (Apply) > Apply update.
You can run the Apply action at a scheduled date and time but you cannot run it until the Stage action has been completed successfully. A Precheck is available to run for the Stage and Apply actions respectively. You can manually run a precheck. However, prechecks are run automatically as part of the Stage and Apply actions. You can configure Stage and Apply actions to run at a scheduled date and time or run them on demand.
- Scheduling an action will create the action resource in the Scheduled
- If scheduled run is canceled, then the action would go into Canceled state.
- When the action runs, it will go into the In Progress state
- When it completes, it will change to Succeeded state if all associated jobs complete successfully, or to Failed state if one or more of the jobs fail.
- Open the navigation menu. Under Oracle
Database, click Exadata Fleet Update.
Under Exadata Fleet Update, Collections is selected by default.
- Click the name of the collection that you want to
Collection details page is displayed.
- Under Resources, click Maintenance cycles.
- In the list of maintenance cycles, click the name of the maintenance
cycle to view details, or click the Actions icon (three dots) for a target, and
then click View Details.
Maintenance cycle details page is displayed.
Under Resources, Actions is selected by default.
- Click Precheck.
Precheck prior to staging software dialog is displayed.
In the Precheck prior to staging software dialog, do the following:- Schedule precheck: Select this option and set the precheck start date and time and then click Schedule.
- Run precheck now: Select this
option to run the precheck on demand and then click Run
While the precheck is being run, the statuses of both the resources, Maintenance cycle and Action change to In Progress.
If the precheck fails to run and the issue has not yet been resolved, then the status of the Maintenance cycle changes to Needs Attention.
The Actions section provides details about the Scheduled, In Progress, Succeeded, and Failed Actions.
For a failed action, view the errors on the action page, and then retry the action after resolving the errors, or remove the targets from the collection.
- To view error details, click the name of the
failed Action.
Action details page is displayed.
Under Resources, Jobs is selected by default.
The Jobs section provides details about the Scheduled, In Progress, Succeeded, and Failed Jobs.
- To view error details, click the Actions icon
(three dots) for a target, and then click View
View errors page is displayed.
- Fix the errors.
- To retry failed actions, on the Maintenance
details page, click the Actions icon (three dots)
for an Action, and then click Run Precheck Now.
The precheck run succeeds.
- To view error details, click the name of the
failed Action.
- On the Maintenance cycle details page, click Stage
Stage software dialog is displayed.
In the Stage software dialog, do the following:- Schedule stage: Select this option and set the Stage software start date and time and then click Schedule.
- Stage now: Select this option to
run the Stage software on demand and then click Stage now.
While the Stage software is being run, the statuses of both the resources, Maintenance cycle and Action change to In Progress.
If the Stage software fails to run and the issue has not yet been resolved, then the status of the Maintenance cycle changes to Needs Attention.
The Actions section provides details about the Scheduled, In Progress, Succeeded, and Failed Actions.
For a failed action, view the errors on the action page, and then retry the action after resolving the errors, or remove the targets from the collection.
- To view error details, click the name of the
failed Action.
Action details page is displayed.
Under Resources, Jobs is selected by default.
The Jobs section provides details about the Scheduled, In Progress, Succeeded, and Failed Jobs.
- To view error details, click the Actions icon
(three dots) for a target, and then click View
View errors page is displayed.
- Fix the errors.
- To retry failed actions, on the Maintenance
details page, click Stage software.
Retry stage software page is displayed.
If you click to retry a failed target, then the default is to run the action now. Otherwise, the default is to schedule the action.
- Click Retry stage
The Stage software run succeeds.
- To view error details, click the name of the
failed Action.
- On the Maintenance cycle details page, click
Precheck prior to applying software updates dialog is displayed.
In the Precheck prior to applying software updates dialog, do the following:- Schedule precheck: Select this option and set the precheck start date and time and then click Schedule.
- Run precheck now: Select this
option to run the precheck on demand and then click Run
While the precheck is being run, the statuses of both the resources, Maintenance cycle and Action change to In Progress.
The precheck run succeeds.
- On the Maintenance cycle details page, click Apply
Apply software updates dialog is displayed.
In the Apply software updates dialog, do the following:- Schedule update: Select this option and set the Apply update start date and time and then click Schedule.
- Apply update now: Select this option to run the Apply update on demand and then click Apply update now.
While the Apply update is being run, the statuses of both the resources, Maintenance cycle and Action change to In Progress.
The Actions section provides details about the Scheduled, In Progress, Succeeded, Failed, and Canceled Actions.
If the Stage software Action does not complete successfully at the scheduled start time for the Apply update Action, then the Apply update Action is canceled automatically.
Parent topic: Exadata Fleet Update Actions
Re-Run Jobs While Action In Progress
You can restart a failed job while the Action is still in progress.
- Open the navigation menu. Under Oracle
Database, click Exadata Fleet Update.
Under Exadata Fleet Update, Collections is selected by default.
- Click the name of the collection that you want to
Collection details page is displayed.
- Under Resources, click Maintenance cycles.
- In the list of maintenance cycles, click the name of the maintenance
cycle to view details, or click the Actions icon (three dots) for a target, and
then click View Details.
Maintenance cycle details page is displayed.
Under Resources, Actions is selected by default.
- Click an Action that is In progress, for example, Stage
Action details page is displayed.
- For a Failed job, click the Actions icon (three dots) for a target,
and then click Retry.
The Retry option is available only when a Stage or Apply Action is running.
The status of the Failed job changes to In Progress.
After completing successfully, the status changes to Succeeded.
Parent topic: Exadata Fleet Update Actions
View or Download Job Logs
To view the progress of a job or to download the logs for a job, use this procedure.
- Open the navigation menu. Under Oracle
Database, click Exadata Fleet Update.
Under Exadata Fleet Update, Collections is selected by default.
- Click the name of the maintenance cycle for which you want to download failed
job logs.
Maintenance cycle details page is displayed.
Under Resources, Actions is selected by default.
- In the Actions section, click the name of the Action for
which you want to view or download logs.
Action details page is displayed.
Jobs section displays the list of jobs associated with the selected Action.
- From the list of jobs, select one, click the Actions icon (three dots), and then
click View log.
View log page is displayed.
The log is refreshed every two minutes automatically.
- Click Refresh log to refresh on-demand.
- Click Download log to download the log.
Parent topic: Exadata Fleet Update Actions
Download Failed Job Logs
To download the logs for a failed job, use this procedure.
- Open the navigation menu. Under Oracle
Database, click Exadata Fleet Update.
Under Exadata Fleet Update, Collections is selected by default.
- Click the name of the maintenance cycle for which you want to download failed
job logs.
Maintenance cycle details page is displayed.
Under Resources, Actions is selected by default.
- In the Actions section, find the action that has the status Failed.
- Click the Actions icon (three dots), and then click
Download failed job logs.
- Click the name of the Action.
Action Details page is displayed.
- Click Download failed job logs.
- Click the name of the Action.
Parent topic: Exadata Fleet Update Actions
Retry Failed Actions and Jobs
Hover the mouse over the tooltip icon for the canceled action to view the reason why the Action was canceled.
- To view details, click the name of the Action
Action details page is displayed.
Under Resources, Jobs is selected by default.
The Jobs section provides details about the Scheduled, In Progress, Succeeded, and Failed Jobs.
- To retry failed job, click the Actions icon (three dots) for a Job, and then click Retry.
The failed job returns to the In progress state.
- Click the Actions icon (three dots) for a Job, and then click View log.
View log page is displayed.
- If there are still failed jobs, then click Retry failed targets.
Retry apply update dialog is displayed.
By default, Apply update now is selected if you retry failed targets.
- Click Retry apply update.
A notification appears indicating that the new action is in progress.
- Click the link to view details.
Apply update (retry) page is displayed.
If one of the jobs fails, then you can choose to rollback and remove the target from the collection.
- Click the Actions icon (three dots) for a failed Job, and then click Rollback and remove target from collection.
Rollback and remove target dialog is displayed.
- Review the information and then click Rollback and remove target.
A notification appears indicating that the Rollback and remove action is in progress.
- The statuses of both the resources, Maintenance cycle and Action change to In Progress.
The rollback and remove action succeeds.
- Click the name of the Action to view details.
Action details page is displayed.
The status of the resource, Maintenance cycle changes to Succeeded.
Parent topic: Exadata Fleet Update Actions
Rollback and Remove Failed Target
To rollback and remove the failed targets, use this procedure.
- To view details, click the name of the Action
Action details page is displayed.
Under Resources, Jobs is selected by default.
The Jobs section provides details about the Scheduled, In Progress, Succeeded, and Failed Jobs.
- Click the Actions icon (three dots) for a failed Job, then click Rollback and remove target from collection.
Rollback and remove target dialog is displayed.
- Review the information and then click Rollback and remove target.
A notification appears indicating that the Rollback and remove action is in progress.
- The statuses of both resources, Maintenance cycle and Action change to In Progress.
The rollback and remove action succeeds.
- Click the name of the Action to view details.
Action details page is displayed.
The status of the resource, Maintenance cycle changes to Succeeded.
Parent topic: Exadata Fleet Update Actions
Rollback Updates Applied to All Targets in the Collection
To rollback the updates applied to the targets in a maintenance cycle, use this procedure.
- Open the navigation menu. Under Oracle Database, click Exadata Fleet Update.
Under Exadata Fleet Update, Collections is selected by default.
- Click the name of the collection you want to rollback the applied updates.
Collection details page is displayed.
- In the Last completed maintenance cycle section, click the link next to Maintenance cycle.
Maintenance cycle details page is displayed.
- Select Rollback from the More Actions menu.
- In the resulting Rollback dialog, enter the name of the collection you want to rollback.
- Click Rollback.
The status of the rollback operation is displayed as In progress in the Actions section of the Maintenance cycle details page.
Parent topic: Exadata Fleet Update Actions
Rollback Operation That Needs Attention
If the rollback operation partially succeeds, the status of the rollback operation is displayed as Needs attention. Hover the mouse pointer over the info icon to the view the message, "There are a few targets without old DB homes. These targets will be skipped in the rollback process. To confirm the rollback, click "Confirm rollback" from the "More Actions" menu."
After the rollback cycle precheck completes successfully, you have one hour to confirm the rollback.
- Click the Actions icon (three dots) and then click Confirm Rollback.
Confirm rollback dialog is displayed with a list of Skipped targets.
- Click Proceed rollback or Cancel rollback.
If the rollback operation succeeds, a banner is displayed and Last completed rollback time in the General information is updated with the UTC date and time.
Failed Rollback Operation
If the rollback operation fails, the status of the rollback operation is displayed as Failed.
- Click the name of the Action to retry.
The job details are displayed on the Action details page.
You can individually select and retry as many failed targets as needed. However, you can do that only when the action is In progress.
- Click the Actions icon (three dots) and then click Retry.
Example scenario: Rolling Back a Patch Update
- Applying the Update (19.21 -> 19.23):
- The update cycle is initiated, moving the current environment from Patch 19.21 to Patch 19.23. Once the Apply Update completes successfully, the Cleanup action becomes available.
- If no issues are observed, the system remains on 19.23, and a cleanup operation can be performed to remove residual data related to the previous state, Patch 19.21.
- Initiating a Rollback Cycle:
- If any issues or incompatibilities arise after updating to 19.23, you can initiate a Rollback Cycle (RC) to revert to the original source, Patch 19.21.
- During this rollback process, the environment will move back to Patch 19.21, making it essential to retain all original data tied to this version. Therefore, Cleanup is disabled (greyed out) to ensure no necessary data is removed prematurely.
- After Rollback Cycle Completion:
- Once the rollback completes, the system has returned to Patch 19.21, and the Cleanup action remains unavailable, as cleanup only applies to the original update target (19.21).
- Any data associated with the reverted update, Patch 19.23, is no longer managed automatically. As a result, manual cleanup is necessary to remove any data or environments tied to 19.23 to avoid lingering dependencies or unnecessary resource consumption.
In summary, this scenario outlines how after performing a rollback, the cleanup operation must be conducted manually for the rolled-back patch target, ensuring the environment is stable and optimized for continued use.
Clean Up the Maintenance Cycle
You can optionally clean up the maintenance cycle.
The Cleanup action:
- Retrieves the list of source Oracle Database Homes in the collection for the maintenance cycle.
- Deletes a Oracle Database Home only if it’s empty, meaning no databases are using it.
- If a Oracle Database Home is being used by one or more databases, marks its related jobs as "
." - If all Oracle Database Homes are in use, none can be deleted. The action will end as "
," allowing the user to free the Oracle Database Homes and retry.
- If a Oracle Database Home is being used by one or more databases, marks its related jobs as "
For more information, see Create Oracle Database Homes on an Exadata Cloud Infrastructure System.
The Cleanup action becomes available only after the Apply Update completes successfully. You can either schedule the cleanup operation or run it immediately.
The Cleanup action is unavailable after a Rollback Cycle, and similarly, the Rollback Cycle is unavailable once the Cleanup action is performed.
- Schedule cleanup: Select this option and set the Cleanup start date and time and then click Schedule.
- Cleanup now: Select this option to run the Cleanup on demand and then click Cleanup now.
Parent topic: Exadata Fleet Update Actions