Crypto Analysis Reports

Click Crypto analysis reports to see a list of analysis reports. The analysis reports generated after Running Crypto Event Analysis are listed in the table. The information is aggregated across all of the crypto event analyses that were performed during the specified time period, by default the previous week.

The table contains the following information:

  • Name: the report name, which is a combination of the managed instance name and the start time
  • Managed instance: the managed instance on which the crypto event analysis was initiated
  • Crypto event analysis result: result of the analysis, such as No warnings found, Action needed, or Attention needed
  • Start time: the start time of JFR capture for crypto event analysis in the managed instance
  • End time: the completion time of JFR capture for crypto event analysis in the managed instance
  • Report generation time: the time at which the crypto analysis report was generated

Click the report name to view the report details. Refer to Crypto Analysis Reports Details.