Work Items

Click Work items to view a table of resources associated with this work request.

Depending on the type of work request, the table presents relevant information.

For operations related to the managed instance, such as Scan for Java servers, Scan for Java libraries, Crypto Analysis, Distribute Deployment Rule Set, and Remove Deployment Rule Set, the table presents the following information :
  • Managed instance: name of the managed instance affected by the work request.
  • Type: the type of work request initiated, such as Crypto analysis, Advanced usage tracking, Java flight recorder, and so on. For certain work requests, this column also displays different stages of operations that are currently running, such as Capture recordings, Upload recordings, Merge Crypto reports, and so on.
  • Current status: current status of the operation of the associated resource. The status can of any one of: Pending / Retrying / In progress / Canceling, Canceled, Completed with Errors, Succeeded.

    The View in logging service option available for resources with Need Attention status. You can use this option to view detailed logs associated with this specific resource part of the work request in the OCI logging service.

  • Last updated: date and time when the status for this associated resource was last updated.

For operations related to Applications and Deployed Applications, the table presents the following additional information along with the managed instance details.

Applications (for Run Java Flight Recording, Java Migration Analysis, and Performance Analysis operations):

  • Application name: the name of the application being analyzed
  • Application installation path: the installation directory path in which the application is installed

Deployed Applications (for Java migration analysis operation):

  • Deployed application name: the name of the deployed application being analyzed
  • Deployed application installation path: the installation directory path in which the deployed application is installed

For Lifecycle Management Operations such as Install Java Runtime and Remove Java Runtime, the work item table presents the following additional information:

Install Java Runtime:

  • Java version: Java version that is installed on the managed instance
  • Post-installation action: if there are any post-installation actions configured for Install Java runtime operation
  • Path: the installation directory path in which Java runtime is installed. For Remove Java Runtime operation, this column displays the path from which the runtime is being removed.

Remove Java Runtime:

  • Java version: Java version that is installed on the managed instance
  • Path: the installation directory path from which the runtime is being removed

Error Handling and Retries

Errors encountered at managed instances during the work request process are logged in the error log section of the corresponding work request. For a managed instance encountering an error, JMS allows a maximum of two additional retries for specific failures. Each attempt is scheduled 24 hours after the preceding unsuccessful one, except for Data Export Work Requests where the retries are attempted 3 hours after the preceding unsuccessful one. If a work request remains unsuccessful after the two retries, it will be labeled as Completed with errors.