Analyze Chart

You can create an Analyze chart by navigating to the Analyze menu, and clicking Create Chart. Alternatively, run the classify command to generate the analyze chart.


The following chart options are available to analyze the groups that’re displayed by the Link query:
Analyze Chart Option Utility

Chart Type

Select from the bubble, scatter, tree map, and sunburst type of charts to view the groups. By default, a bubble chart is displayed.

  • Bubble Chart: To analyze the data from three fields, and each field can have multiple values. The position of the bubble is determined by the values of the first and second fields that’re plotted on the x and y axes, and the size of the bubble is determined by the third field.

  • Scatter Chart : To analyze the data from two numeric fields, to see how much one parameter is affecting the other.

  • Tree Map: To analyze the data from multiple fields that’re both hierarchical and fractional, with the help of interactive nested rectangles.

  • Sunburst Chart: To analyze hierarchical data from multiple fields. The hierarchy is represented in the form of concentric rings, with the innermost ring representing the top of the hierarchy.


Increase or decrease the height of the chart to suit your screen size.

Swap X Y axis

You can swap the values plotted along the x and y axes for better visualization.

Show Anomalies

View the anomalies among the groups displayed on the chart.

Highlight Anomaly Baselines

If you’ve selected to view the anomalies, then you can highlight the baselines for those anomalies.

Show Group Count Legend

Toggle the display of the Group Count legend.

Zoom and Scroll

Select Marquee zoom or Marquee select to dynamically view the data on the chart or to scroll and select multiple groups.

Information Displayed in Analyze Chart

Analyze chart for Link visualization is useful in visually identifying anomalies in the patterns. B default, a bubble chart is generated. However, you can select a chart from the options available.

Each row in the Link table represents a unique group. The size of the bubble represents the number of such groups that are contained in the bubble. The position of the bubble is determined by the values of the fields that are plotted along the x and y axes. Hover the cursor over a filter legend to view the following information:

  • Clusters: Number of bubbles in the chart for this legend value

  • Groups: Total number and percentage of groups across all the clusters

  • Average Cluster Range: Each bubble (cluster) represents a range of values. An average is computed for each bubble which shows the minimum and maximum averages across all the bubbles for this value. This is applicable only for numeric values.

  • Minimum Value: Lowest absolute value across all the bubbles for this legend range.

  • Maximum Value: Largest absolute value across all the bubbles for this legend range.

Analyze Chart legend information

Change the Title of the Analyze Chart

To improve the readability of the chart and for friendly analysis, you can change the title of the bubble chart by using the option in the Analyze dialog box.

To modify the title of the Analyze chart, click the Settings menu Settings icon next to the title of the chart, and click Edit Chart. The Analyze dialog box is displayed. Update the value of the field Chart Title, and click Submit.

As a result, the title of the chart is now changed to the value that you provided.

Control the Colors in the Analyze Chart

Two numeric fields are selected for plotting along the X and Y axes. The Time field can be used only for X-axis.

  • Any fields can be used to control the color of the bubbles. There are no restrictions about the types of the fields.

  • Numeric fields can be used for controlling the size of the bubbles. The value of the fields control the size of the bubble. The larger the values, the larger the bubbles.

For steps to select the fields for controlling the color of the bubbles in the chart, see Add More Fields for Analysis Using Size and Color.

The following chart shows the Time Taken for Requests, which is plotted along Y-axis, and also the Application and Job that are involved in the analysis:

Time Taken field is plotted along Y-axis and the Job and Application fields are used to control the color of the bubbles

By default, the Link Analyze chart automatically selects a color palette based on the values in the chart. To select a different palette or to add additional field values, click the Color link. In the following example, the field Event Type has Audit Analysis color palette applied for different values:

'Log Source' = 'OCI Audit Logs'
| link Time, Event
| eval 'Event Type' = 
       if(indexOf(Event,upload) != -1, Insert,
          indexOf(Event,update) != -1 or indexOf(Event,literal(patch)) != -1, Update,
          indexOf(Event,delete) != -1,Delete,
          indexOf(Event,get)    != -1 or indexOf(Event,list) != -1, Read, Other)
| classify 'Start Time','Event Type' as 'Audit Analysis'

the field Event Type has Audit Analysis color palette applied for different values