Logging Analytics Service Operation Preferences

You can use Oracle Logging Analytics REST API to select preferences for specific areas or set of resources in the service.

To be able to set the preferences:

  • Select users (or a group of users) to enable them to view, update, and delete the preferences.

  • Select the preference group for which you want to provide access.

To enable users to update the preferences have fine-grained access over preferences of specific areas or set of resources using IAM policies, see Allow Users to Manage Group Preferences in Logging Analytics.

For the currently supported preference groups in Oracle Logging Analytics, see Preference Groups in Logging Analytics.

For REST API to manage preferences in Oracle Logging Analytics, see Logging Analytics API Reference.

Allow Users to Manage Group Preferences in Logging Analytics

The following permissions currently govern the management of tenant preferences in Oracle Logging Analytics:


An example IAM policy statement that allows the user group Logging-Analytics-Admins to operate on all preference groups in Oracle Logging Analytics:


However, if you want to selectively authorize the user groups to update the preferences for specific preference groups, then use the where clause in the above policy statement and provide the preference group name for the parameter target.preferences.groups.

For example, consider the requirement where you want the user group groupA to be able to:

  • View all preferences in Oracle Logging Analytics
  • Update and delete the preferences in the preference group entityLifecycle

Then the IAM policy statements can be:

allow group groupA to {LOG_ANALYTICS_PREFERENCE_READ} in tenancy
allow group groupA to {LOG_ANALYTICS_PREFERENCE_UPDATE, LOG_ANALYTICS_PREFERENCE_DELETE} in tenancy  where target.preferences.groups = 'entityLifecycle'

For the currently supported preference groups, see Preference Groups in Logging Analytics.

Preference Groups in Logging Analytics

The following preference groups are currently available in Oracle Logging Analytics:

Preference Name target.preferences.groups Value Individual Preferences Covered in the Group Description
Entity Lifecycle Properties entityLifecycle AUTO_CREATE_AGENT_HOST_ENTITY, AUTO_DELETE_AGENT_ENTITY, AUTO_DELETE_HOST_ENTITY, AUTO_DELETE_SCH_ENTITIES_OF_TYPES, USE_CUSTOM_HOSTNAME_FROM_TAG, USE_CUSTOM_HOSTNAME_POSITION Tenancy wide preferences for Oracle Logging Analytics entities. See Manage Entity Preferences.