Changing the Administrator Password of a DB System

You can change the administrator password of a DB system.

Using the Console

You can change the administrator password using the Administrator password console action for the DB system.

This task requires the following:
  • You have MYSQL_INSTANCE_UPDATE IAM permission.

Do the following to change the administrator password of a DB system:

  1. Open the navigation menu, and select Databases, and under HeatWave MySQL, select DB systems.
  2. Click the name of the DB system to open the DB system details page. Click More actions present at the top of the page, and click Administrator password.
  3. In the Administrator password dialog box, enter the new administrator password into the Password field and Confirm password field.
    The password must have between 8 and 32 characters with at least 1 uppercase character, 1 lowercase character, 1 numeric character, and 1 special character.
  4. Select Confirm administrator password change.
  5. Click Change password.
HeatWave Service updates the administrator password of the DB system.

Using the CLI

Use the command-line interface to change the administrator password of a DB system.

This task requires the following:
  • A DB system Oracle Cloud Identifier (OCID).
  • A policy that permits you to update DB systems in the compartment or tenancy.
  • A properly configured CLI installation and the requisite SSH keys. See Command Line Interface.
Do the following on the CLI to change the administrator password of a DB system:
  1. Open a command prompt and run the following command:
    oci mysql db-system update 
    --db-system-id <DBSystemOCID> 
    --admin-password <new_password>
    • db-system-id: Specify the OCID of the DB system.

    • admin-password: Specify the new password of the administrator.

HeatWave Service updates the administrator password of the DB system.