Viewing a Group's Details
View the details for a specific group in OS Management Hub, including associated instances, software sources, jobs, and reports.
On the Groups list page, select the name of the group. If you need help finding the list page, see Listing Groups.
The details page displays the following information:
Group information
- Compartment: Compartment where the group resides. Group members may reside in other compartments.
- Description: Description of the group, if one was provided.
- Associated instances: Number of instances that are members of the group.
- Scheduled jobs: Number of jobs that are pending.
- OCID: Oracle Cloud Identifier (OCID) assigned to the group.
- OS version: OS version running on the members of the group.
- Architecture: Processor architecture used on the members of the group.
- Location: The location of the instance, either "Oracle Cloud Infrastructure" or "On premises or third-party cloud"
- Group members: The instances currently in the group. Use this tab to attach or detach instances.
- Group manifest: The software sources, packages, and modules assigned to the group. Use the group manifest to control software content for the group.
- Events: OS Management Hub events associated with the group.
- Jobs: Jobs scheduled, in-progress, or completed for the group.
- Reports: Security, bug, and instance activity reports for the group.
Group members, jobs, and reports might reside in different compartments. Select a compartment under List Scope.Use the oci os-management-hub managed-instance-group get command and required parameters to get information about a group, such as the attached software sources.
oci os-management-hub managed-instance-group get --group-id ocid [OPTIONS]
For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.
Run the GetManagedInstanceGroup operation to get information about a group, including its attached software sources.