Known Issues for Secure Desktops

Errors when moving desktop pools between compartments


Moving a desktop pool to a different compartment causes unpredictable results, including 500 type server errors and desktop startup failures.


We're working on a resolution. Avoid moving desktop pools to different compartments as we continue to develop and test this feature.

Error message after shutting down the desktop


If you shut down a desktop using the Shut down option in Windows or Power Off option in Linux, the desktop shows as Available. However, when you attempt to open the desktop, you receive the message "Connection to the desktop not available, please wait" yet the desktop never opens.


Do not manually shut down a desktop from the operating system (Windows or Linux). If you do, contact the desktop administrator for assistance to open the desktop.

You can however restart the desktop operating system as needed.

Repeated key on Linux desktop

Sometimes, due to communication issues between the local system and the desktop, a key may appear to be 'stuck' and you may see repeated output for a single key press.

To prevent this from happening, you can disable the key repeat option in the GNOME or KDE Universal Access settings.

Username errors when opening a Windows desktop


When opening a Windows desktop you might see:

  • An error reporting that the Desktop User password has not been set.
  • A warning that the system is in use, and the other user will be logged out if you continue.
Open the desktop again to resolve the issue.

Refreshing the sign in page can cause an error

If you refresh the browser page during the process of signing in to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, it can cause this error:
"code" : "NotFound", 
"message" : "Not Found"
Try signing in again using a new browser tab or window.

Microphone not working on Linux desktops

Audio-in (microphone) does not work on Linux desktops. This issue exists on both the web client and installed client.
We're working on a resolution.

Web client interface enters loop state after inactivity


When logging into the Secure Desktops web client interface, an extended period of inactivity may cause the IDCS session to expire. As a result, the client interface may enter an infinite reload loop state.


Close the tab in your browser and re-load the Secure Desktops web client URL.

Missing desktop volumes when launching Windows desktop


Cloudebase-Init is installed as part of Windows desktop image preparation. When installing Cloudbase-Init, Oracle recommends that you do not select the option to run Cloudbase-Init service as LocalSystem. If Cloudebase-Init was installed with this option selected, you may experience missing desktop volumes when you launch the desktop.


Run the attach_volume.ps1 script.

  1. Open PowerShell ISE (x86) application in Windows desktop.
  2. Run the script:
    PS C:\Users\DesktopUser> powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File C:\ProgramData\Oracle\OCI\Desktops\attach_volume.ps1
  3. Verify the desktop volume is present. For example:
    PS C:\Users\DesktopUser> Get-Disk
    Number Friendly Name Serial Number HealthStatus OperationalStatus Total Size Partition Style
    ------ ------------- ------------- ------------ ----------------- ---------- ---------------
    1      ORACLE        BlockVolume   Healthy      Online            50 GB      MBR
    0      ORACLE        BlockVolume   Healthy      Online            64 GB      MBR 
    PS C:\Users\DesktopUser> Get-Volume
    DriveLetter FriendlyName FileSystemType DriveType HealthStatus OperationalStatus SizeRemaining Size
    ----------- ------------ -------------- --------- ------------ ----------------- ------------- ----
    System      Reserved     NTFS           Fixed     Healthy      OK                17.32 MB     50 MB
    C                        NTFS           Fixed     Healthy      OK                22.64 GB     63.95 GB
    D           OCI Volume   NTFS           Fixed     Healthy      OK                49.91 GB     50 GB

DVH enters fail state requiring reboot migration

If the desktop pool image is for Windows desktops, desktops in the pool are hosted on Dedicated Virtual Machine Hosts (DVH) by default. If a DVH enters a failed state, take the appropriate actions to preserve cloud storage resources.


If the DVH enters failed state due to planned maintenance:


End user action: Launch your Windows desktop and if the pool has Desktop Storage enabled, save any data to Desktop Storage (D drive). If Desktop Storage is not enabled, you can save data to a local drive mapped using CDM (Client Drive Mapping) or NFS on OCI Volume (D:).

Administrator action:
  1. Inform users that their desktops are being deleted.
  2. Delete all assigned and unassigned desktop instances that exist on the failed DVH.
  3. Request that end users launch their desktops. This creates a new DVH instance and places new desktops on the new DVH instance. If there is a block volume associated with a given user, it is automatically attached to the new desktop for that user.
  4. Restore any saved data to the D drive or local drive mapped using CDM or NFS.

If the DVH enters failed state due to an underlying hardware failure:


End user action: None.

Administrator action:

  1. Inform users that their desktops are being deleted.
  2. Delete all the assigned and unassigned desktop instances that exist on the failed DVH.
  3. Request that end users launch their desktops. This creates a new DVH instance and places new desktops on the new DVH instance. If there is a block volume associated with a given user, it is automatically attached to the new desktop for that user.

Error when upgrading the Secure Desktops Windows installed client

When attempting to upgrade to a new version of the Secure Desktops Windows installed client, the following error occurs and the new version cannot be installed:
There is a problem with this Windows Installer package.
A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected.
Delete the previous client version and then install the newer version.