mlm_insights.core.features package


mlm_insights.core.features.feature module

class mlm_insights.core.features.feature.Feature(feature_metadata: FeatureMetadata)

Bases: object

add_metric(metric_metadata: MetricMetadata) Feature

Add a Insights Metric to a feature by providing the Metric Metadata. When added, Insights computes the metric for the feature and makes the metric result available via the Insights Profile



Metric Metadata describing the metric to be added. At a minimum, klass must be provided

add_sfc(sfc_metadata: SFCMetaData) Feature

Add a Shareable Feature Component (SFC) to a Feature by providing the SFC Metadata. Insights computes the SFC once which can be shared with all the Feature-level metrics. Insights makes the SFC result available via the Insights Profile



SFC Metadata describing the metric to be added. At a minimum, klass must be provided

compute(column: Series) None

Compute the Feature metrics and Shareable Feature Component


column: pd.Series

Pandas Series which contains the feature data.

classmethod deserialize(feature_message: FeatureMessage) Feature

Deserializes “Feature” from the protobuf FeatureMessage. Delegates constituent part deserialization to respective deserializers

equals(other_feature: Feature) bool
get_metric(metric_metadata: MetricMetadata) MetricBase

Get the Metric instance based on the Metric Metadata. Pass the same Metric Metadata as used in add_metric



Metric Metadata describing the metric to be added. At a minimum, klass must be provided



Metric Instance

get_name() str
get_sfc(sfc_metadata: SFCMetaData) ShareableFeatureComponent

Get the ShareableFeatureComponent instance based on the SFC Metadata. Pass the same SFC Metadata as used in add_sfc



SFC Metadata describing the SFC to be added. At a minimum, klass must be provided



SFC Instance

merge(other_feature: Feature) Feature
Merges 2 features to return a new Feature. Merge of 2 features involves:
1. Merging metrics
2. Merging SFC

Merge follows Insights guideline of not mutating existing Features and new copies of existing state into the new Feature

serialize() FeatureMessage

Serializes a Feature into its ProtoBuf equivalent message. This method serializes all the constituent components i.e. metrics, SFCs



Protobuf equivalent message

class mlm_insights.core.features.feature.FeatureMetadata(feature_name: str, feature_type: FeatureType)

Bases: object

Class describes the properties for a Feature

feature_name: str

Feature Type describing the feature schema i.e data type, variable type, column type

feature_type: FeatureType
to_string() str

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