oci.os_management_hub.models.AddPackagesToSoftwareSourceDetails |
Provides the list of packages to add to a software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.AgentEvent |
Provides information about the agent event. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.AgentEventData |
Provides additional information for an agent event. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.AssociateManagedInstancesWithManagementStationDetails |
Provides the information used to associate managed instances to a management station. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.AttachLifecycleStageToProfileDetails |
Provides the information used to attach a lifecycle stage to a profile. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.AttachManagedInstanceGroupToProfileDetails |
Provides the information used to attach a managed instance group to a profile. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.AttachManagedInstancesToLifecycleStageDetails |
The managed instances to attach to the lifecycle stage. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.AttachManagedInstancesToManagedInstanceGroupDetails |
Provides the information used to attach managed instances to a group. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.AttachManagementStationToProfileDetails |
Provides the information used to attach a management station to a profile. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.AttachProfileToManagedInstanceDetails |
Provides the information used to set a profile for a managed instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.AttachSoftwareSourcesToManagedInstanceDetails |
Provides the information used to attach software sources to a managed instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.AttachSoftwareSourcesToManagedInstanceGroupDetails |
Provides the information used to attach software sources to a managed instance group. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.AttachSoftwareSourcesToProfileDetails |
Provides the information used to attach software sources to a profile. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.AutonomousSettings |
Settings for the Autonomous Linux service. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.AvailablePackageCollection |
The set of packages returned for the list_managed_instance_available_packages() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.AvailablePackageSummary |
Provides summary information about a software package available for installation on a managed instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.AvailableSoftwareSourceCollection |
The set of available software sources returned for the list_managed_instance_available_software_sources() or the list_managed_instance_group_available_software_sources() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.AvailableSoftwareSourceSummary |
Provides summary information about an available software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.AvailableWindowsUpdateCollection |
The set of available Windows updates returned for the list_managed_instance_available_windows_updates() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.AvailableWindowsUpdateSummary |
An object that defines an available update for a Windows instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ChangeAvailabilityOfSoftwareSourcesDetails |
Provides the information used to update the availability of a list of software sources. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ChangeEventCompartmentDetails |
Specifies which compartment to move the event to for the change_event_compartment() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ChangeLifecycleEnvironmentCompartmentDetails |
Provides the information used to move the lifecycle environment to another compartment. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ChangeManagedInstanceGroupCompartmentDetails |
Provides the information used to move the managed instance group to another compartment within the same tenancy. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ChangeManagementStationCompartmentDetails |
Provides the information used to move a management station to a different compartment. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ChangeProfileCompartmentDetails |
Provides the information used to move a profile to another compartment. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ChangeScheduledJobCompartmentDetails |
Provides the information used to move a scheduled job to another compartment. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ChangeSoftwareSourceCompartmentDetails |
Provides the information used to move the software source to another compartment. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.CreateCustomSoftwareSourceDetails |
Provides the information used to create a custom software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.CreateEntitlementDetails |
Provides the information used to create an entitlement using the Customer Support Identifier (CSI). |
oci.os_management_hub.models.CreateGroupProfileDetails |
Provides the information used to create a group registration profile. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.CreateLifecycleEnvironmentDetails |
Provides the information used to create a lifecycle environment. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.CreateLifecycleProfileDetails |
Provides the information used to create a lifecycle environment registration profile. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.CreateLifecycleStageDetails |
Provides the information used to create a lifecycle stage. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.CreateManagedInstanceGroupDetails |
Provides the information used to create a new managed instance group. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.CreateManagementStationDetails |
Provides the information used to create a management station. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.CreateMirrorConfigurationDetails |
Information used to create the mirror configuration for a management station. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.CreatePrivateSoftwareSourceDetails |
Provides the information used to create a private software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.CreateProfileDetails |
Provides the information used to create a new registration profile. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.CreateProxyConfigurationDetails |
Information used to create the proxy configuration for a management station. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.CreateScheduledJobDetails |
Provides the information used to create a scheduled job. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.CreateSoftwareSourceDetails |
Provides the information used to create a software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.CreateSoftwareSourceProfileDetails |
Provides the information used to create the software source registration profile. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.CreateStationProfileDetails |
Provides the information used to create the management station profile. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.CreateThirdPartySoftwareSourceDetails |
Provides the information used to create a third-party software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.CreateVendorSoftwareSourceDetails |
Provides the information used to replicated a vendor software source into another compartment (other than root). |
oci.os_management_hub.models.CreateVersionedCustomSoftwareSourceDetails |
Provides the information used to create a versioned custom software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.CreateWindowsStandAloneProfileDetails |
Provides the information used to create a Windows standalone registration profile. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.CustomSoftwareSource |
The object that defines a custom software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.CustomSoftwareSourceFilter |
Provides the information used to apply filters to a vendor software source to create or update a custom software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.CustomSoftwareSourceSummary |
Provides summary information for a custom software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.DetachManagedInstancesFromLifecycleStageDetails |
The managed instances to detach from the lifecycle stage. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.DetachManagedInstancesFromManagedInstanceGroupDetails |
Provides the information used to detach managed instances from a group. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.DetachSoftwareSourcesFromManagedInstanceDetails |
Provides the information used to detach the software sources from the managed instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.DetachSoftwareSourcesFromManagedInstanceGroupDetails |
Provides the information used to detach software sources from a managed instance group. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.DetachSoftwareSourcesFromProfileDetails |
Provides the information used to detach software sources from a profile. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.DisableModuleStreamOnManagedInstanceDetails |
Provides the information used to disable a module stream on a managed instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.DisableModuleStreamOnManagedInstanceGroupDetails |
Provides the details for disabling a module stream on a managed instance group. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.EnableModuleStreamOnManagedInstanceDetails |
Provides the information used to enable a module stream on a managed instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.EnableModuleStreamOnManagedInstanceGroupDetails |
Provides the details for enabling a module stream on a managed instance group. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.EntitlementCollection |
The set of entitlements returned for the list_entitlements() . |
oci.os_management_hub.models.EntitlementSummary |
Provides summary information for an entitlement. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.Erratum |
An object that defines an erratum.. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ErratumCollection |
The set of errata returned for the list_errata() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ErratumSummary |
Provides summary information for an erratum. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.Event |
An event is an occurrence of something of interest on a managed instance, such as a kernel crash, software package update, or software source update. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.EventCollection |
A set of events returned for the list_events() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.EventContent |
Information collected during the event, such as logs. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.EventSummary |
Provides summary information about an event. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ExploitAttemptAdditionalDetails |
Provides additional information about the Ksplice known exploit detection. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ExploitAttemptEvent |
Information about the exploit attempt event. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ExploitAttemptEventContent |
Provides information collected for the exploit attempt event. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ExploitAttemptEventData |
Information about the exploit attempt event. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.GroupProfile |
Provides the information for a group registration profile. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.Id |
Id and name of a resource to simplify the display for the user. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.InstallAllWindowsUpdatesOnManagedInstancesInCompartmentDetails |
Provides the information used to install all Windows updates of a specified type on managed instances within the specified compartment. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.InstallModuleStreamProfileOnManagedInstanceDetails |
Provides the information used to install a module stream profile on a managed instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.InstallModuleStreamProfileOnManagedInstanceGroupDetails |
Provides the details for installing a module stream profile on a managed instance group. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.InstallPackagesOnManagedInstanceDetails |
Provides the information used to install software packages on a managed instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.InstallPackagesOnManagedInstanceGroupDetails |
The names of the packages to be installed on the managed instance group. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.InstallWindowsUpdatesOnManagedInstanceDetails |
Provides the information used to install Windows updates on a managed instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.InstallWindowsUpdatesOnManagedInstanceGroupDetails |
Provides the details for the Windows update installed on the managed instance group. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.InstalledPackageCollection |
The set of installed packages on a managed instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.InstalledPackageSummary |
Provides summary information for a software package installed on a managed instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.InstalledWindowsUpdateCollection |
The set of installed Windows updates returned for the list_managed_instance_installed_windows_updates() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.InstalledWindowsUpdateSummary |
An object that defines an installed update for a Windows instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.KernelCrashEvent |
Information about the kernel crash event. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.KernelEventAdditionalDetails |
Provides additional information about the kernel event. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.KernelEventContent |
Provides information collected for the kernel event. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.KernelEventData |
Information about the kernel event. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.KernelOopsEvent |
Information about the kernel OOPS event. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.KspliceUpdateEvent |
Provides information for a Ksplice update event. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.KspliceUpdateEventData |
Provides additional information for a Ksplice update event. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.LifecycleEnvironment |
Defines the lifecycle environment, including the associated versioned software sources, lifecycle stages, and managed instances. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.LifecycleEnvironmentCollection |
A set of lifecycle environments returned for the list_lifecycle_environments() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.LifecycleEnvironmentDetails |
Provides identifying information for the specified lifecycle environment. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.LifecycleEnvironmentSummary |
Summary of the lifecycle environment. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.LifecycleProfile |
Provides the information for a lifecycle environment registration profile. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.LifecycleStage |
Defines the lifecycle stage. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.LifecycleStageCollection |
A set of lifecycle stages returned for the list_lifecycle_stages() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.LifecycleStageDetails |
Provides identifying information for the specified lifecycle stage. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.LifecycleStageSummary |
Provides summary information for a lifecycle stage. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManageModuleStreamsInScheduledJobDetails |
The set of changes to make to the state of the modules, streams, and profiles on the managed target. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManageModuleStreamsOnManagedInstanceDetails |
The set of changes to make to the state of the modules, streams, and profiles on a managed instance |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManageModuleStreamsOnManagedInstanceGroupDetails |
The set of changes to make to the state of the modules, streams, and profiles on a managed instance group. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagedInstance |
An object that defines the instance being managed by the service. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagedInstanceAnalyticCollection |
A set of managed instance metrics returned for the summarize_managed_instance_analytics() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagedInstanceAnalyticSummary |
A metric emitted by managed instance resource. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagedInstanceCollection |
The set of managed instances returned for the list_managed_instances() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagedInstanceDetails |
Provides identifying information for the specified managed instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagedInstanceErratumSummary |
Provides summary information about an erratum associated with a managed instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagedInstanceErratumSummaryCollection |
The set of errata returned for the list_managed_instance_errata() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagedInstanceGroup |
An object that defines the managed instance group. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagedInstanceGroupAvailableModuleCollection |
A set of modules returned for the list_managed_instance_group_available_modules() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagedInstanceGroupAvailableModuleSummary |
Provides summary information about a module stream made available to a managed instance group. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagedInstanceGroupAvailablePackageCollection |
A set of available packages returned for the list_managed_instance_group_available_packages() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagedInstanceGroupAvailablePackageSummary |
Provides summary information for an available package for a managed instance group. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagedInstanceGroupCollection |
A set of managed instance groups returned for the list_managed_instance_groups() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagedInstanceGroupDetails |
Provides identifying information for the specified managed instance group. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagedInstanceGroupInstalledPackageCollection |
A set of installed packages returned for the list_managed_instance_group_installed_packages() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagedInstanceGroupInstalledPackageSummary |
Provides summary information for a package installed on a managed instance group. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagedInstanceGroupModuleCollection |
A set of module streams returned for the list_managed_instance_group_modules() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagedInstanceGroupModuleSummary |
Provides the summary information about a module on a managed instance group. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagedInstanceGroupSummary |
Summary of the managed instance group. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagedInstanceModuleCollection |
The set of modules returned for the list_managed_instance_modules() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagedInstanceModuleSummary |
Provides summary information for a module on a managed instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagedInstanceSummary |
Provides summary information for a managed instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagedInstancesDetails |
The details about the managed instances. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagementStation |
Provides information about the management station, including name, state, and configuration. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagementStationCollection |
A set of management stations returned for the list_management_stations() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagementStationDetails |
Provides the management station details used to configure a managed instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagementStationEvent |
Provides information about the management station event. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagementStationEventData |
Provides additional information for a management station event. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ManagementStationSummary |
Provides summary information for a management station. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.MirrorConfiguration |
Mirror information used for the management station configuration. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.MirrorSummary |
Provides summary information for a software source mirror. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.MirrorSyncStatus |
Status summary of the mirror sync. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.MirrorsCollection |
The set of software source mirrors returned for the list_mirrors() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ModuleCollection |
The set of modules returned for the search_software_source_modules() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ModuleSpecDetails |
Details about a specific appstream module. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ModuleStream |
An object that defines a module stream provided by a software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ModuleStreamCollection |
The set of module streams returned for list_module_stream_profiles() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ModuleStreamDetails |
Provides the information used to update a module stream. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ModuleStreamDetailsBody |
Provides the information used to enable or disable the module stream on a managed instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ModuleStreamProfile |
An object that defines a module stream profile provide by a software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ModuleStreamProfileCollection |
The set of module stream profiles returned for the list_module_stream_profiles() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ModuleStreamProfileDetails |
Provides the information used to update a module stream profile. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ModuleStreamProfileDetailsBody |
Provides the information used to install or remove a module stream profile on a managed instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ModuleStreamProfileFilter |
Provides the information used to create a filter for module streams and profiles from a vendor software source to create or update a custom software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ModuleStreamProfileSummary |
Provides the summary information for a module stream profile contained within a software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ModuleStreamSummary |
Provides the summary information for a module stream contained within a software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ModuleSummary |
Provides summary information about a module which is provided by a software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.PackageFilter |
Provides the information used to create a filter for packages from a vendor software source to create or update a custom software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.PackageGroup |
Yum or DNF package group, category, or environment. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.PackageGroupCollection |
The set of package groups returned for the list_package_groups() search_software_source_package_groups() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.PackageGroupFilter |
Provides the information used to create a filter for groups from a vendor software source to create or update a custom software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.PackageGroupSummary |
The yum or DNF package group that is associated with a software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.PackageNameSummary |
Provides summary information about a package. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.PackageSummary |
Provides summary information for a software package. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.PeerManagementStation |
A list of other management stations that are behind the same load balancer within a high availability configuration. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.PrivateSoftwareSource |
The object that defines a private software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.PrivateSoftwareSourceSummary |
Provides summary information for a private software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.Profile |
Object that defines the registration profile. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ProfileCollection |
The set of registration profiles returned for the list_profiles() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ProfileSummary |
Provides summary information for a registration profile. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ProfileVersion |
Represents a specific version of a registration profile. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.PromoteSoftwareSourceToLifecycleStageDetails |
Provides detailed information about the lifecycle stage promotion. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ProxyConfiguration |
Proxy information used for the management station configuration. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.RebootEvent |
Provides information for a reboot event. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.RebootEventData |
Provides additional information for a reboot event. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.RebootLifecycleStageDetails |
PProvides the information used for the reboot job. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.RebootManagedInstanceDetails |
Provides the information used for the reboot job. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.RebootManagedInstanceGroupDetails |
Provides the information used for the reboot job. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.RemoveModuleStreamProfileFromManagedInstanceDetails |
Provides the information used to remove a module stream profile on a managed instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.RemoveModuleStreamProfileFromManagedInstanceGroupDetails |
Provides the details for removing a module stream profile from a managed instance group. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.RemovePackagesFromManagedInstanceDetails |
Provides the information used to remove software packages from a managed instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.RemovePackagesFromManagedInstanceGroupDetails |
The names of the packages to be removed from the managed instance group. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.RemovePackagesFromSoftwareSourceDetails |
Provides a list of packages to be removed from the software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ReplacePackagesInSoftwareSourceDetails |
Provides a list of packages that will replace the existing packages in the software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.RerunWorkRequestDetails |
Provides the information used to target specific resources for the rerun of a work request. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ScheduledJob |
The object that defines a scheduled job. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ScheduledJobCollection |
The set of scheduled jobs returned for the list_scheduled_jobs() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ScheduledJobOperation |
Defines an operation that is performed by a scheduled job. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ScheduledJobSummary |
Provides summary information for a scheduled job. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.SearchSoftwareSourceModuleStreamsDetails |
Provides the information used to search for a set of module streams from a list software sources. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.SearchSoftwareSourceModulesDetails |
Provides the information used to search for a set of modules from a list software sources. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.SearchSoftwareSourcePackageGroupsDetails |
Provides the software sources and search parameters to get a list of associated package groups. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.SoftwarePackage |
An object that defines a software package. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.SoftwarePackageCollection |
A set of software packages returned for the list_software_packages() operation or list_all_software_packages() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.SoftwarePackageDependency |
Identifies the dependency for a software package. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.SoftwarePackageFile |
A file associated with a package. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.SoftwarePackageSummary |
Provides summary information for a software package. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.SoftwarePackagesDetails |
Provides the information used to install, remove, or update software packages. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.SoftwareSource |
The object that defines a software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.SoftwareSourceAvailability |
An object that defines the `OCID`__ and the availability of a vendor software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.SoftwareSourceCollection |
A set of software sources returned for the list_software_sources() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.SoftwareSourceDetails |
Provides identifying information for the specified software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.SoftwareSourceEvent |
Provides information for a software source event. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.SoftwareSourceEventData |
Provides additional information for a software source event. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.SoftwareSourceProfile |
Provides the information for a software source registration profile. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.SoftwareSourceSummary |
Provides summary information for a software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.SoftwareSourceVendorCollection |
Th set of software source vendors returned for the list_software_source_vendors() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.SoftwareSourceVendorSummary |
Provides summary information about a software source vendor, including name, operating system family, and architecture type. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.SoftwareSourcesDetails |
The details about the software sources to be attached/detached. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.SoftwareUpdateEvent |
Provides information for a software update event. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.SoftwareUpdateEventData |
Provides additional information for a software update event. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.StationHealth |
Overall health information of the management station. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.StationProfile |
Provides the information for a management station registration profile. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.SwitchModuleStreamOnManagedInstanceDetails |
Provides the information used to switch module streams on a managed instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.SwitchModuleStreamOnManagedInstanceGroupDetails |
Provides the details for switching module streams on the managed instance group. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.SynchronizeMirrorsDetails |
Detailed information about software source mirrors to be synced. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.SysadminEvent |
Information about the sysadmin event. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.SysadminEventData |
Data related to the sysadmin event. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.SystemDetails |
Provides information about the system architecture and operating system. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ThirdPartySoftwareSource |
The object that defines a third-party software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.ThirdPartySoftwareSourceSummary |
Provides summary information for a third-party software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.UpdatableAutonomousSettings |
Updatable settings for the Autonomous Linux service. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.UpdatablePackageCollection |
The set of packages returned for the list_managed_instance_updatable_packages() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.UpdatablePackageSummary |
Provides summary information for a software package available for installation on a managed instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.UpdateAllPackagesOnManagedInstanceGroupDetails |
Provides the details for updating the packages on the managed instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.UpdateAllPackagesOnManagedInstancesInCompartmentDetails |
Provides the information used to update all packages of a specified type on managed instances within the specified compartment. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.UpdateCustomSoftwareSourceDetails |
Provides the information used to update a custom software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.UpdateEventDetails |
Provides the information for updating the tags of an event for the update_event() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.UpdateLifecycleEnvironmentDetails |
Provides the information used to update the lifecycle environment. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.UpdateLifecycleStageDetails |
Provides the information used to update the lifecycle stage. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.UpdateManagedInstanceDetails |
Provides the information used to update a managed instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.UpdateManagedInstanceGroupDetails |
Provides the information used to update the managed instance group. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.UpdateManagementStationDetails |
Provides the information used to update the management station. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.UpdateMirrorConfigurationDetails |
Provides the information used to update the mirror configuration for a management station. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.UpdatePackagesOnManagedInstanceDetails |
Provides the information used to update software packages on a managed instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.UpdatePrivateSoftwareSourceDetails |
Provides the information used to update a private software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.UpdateProfileDetails |
Provides the information used to update a registration profile. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.UpdateProxyConfigurationDetails |
Provides the information used to update the proxy configuration for a management station. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.UpdateScheduledJobDetails |
Provides the information used to update a scheduled job. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.UpdateSoftwareSourceDetails |
Provides the information used to update a software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.UpdateThirdPartySoftwareSourceDetails |
Provides the information used to update a third-party software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.UpdateVendorSoftwareSourceDetails |
Provides the information for updating the tags of a vendor software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.UpdateVersionedCustomSoftwareSourceDetails |
Provides the information used to update a versioned custom software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.UpdateWorkRequestDetails |
Provides the information used to update a work request. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.VendorSoftwareSource |
The object that defines a vendor software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.VendorSoftwareSourceSummary |
Provides summary information for a vendor software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.VersionedCustomSoftwareSource |
The object that defines a versioned custom software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.VersionedCustomSoftwareSourceSummary |
Provides summary information for a versioned custom software source. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.VmcoreDetails |
Kernel event vmcore details |
oci.os_management_hub.models.WindowsStandaloneProfile |
Provides the information for a Windows standalone registration profile. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.WindowsUpdate |
An object that provides information about an update for a Windows instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.WindowsUpdateCollection |
A set of Windows updates returned for the list_windows_updates() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.WindowsUpdateSummary |
Provides summary information about an update for a Windows instance. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.WorkRequest |
An object that defines a work request. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.WorkRequestDetails |
Provides the name and description of the job. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.WorkRequestError |
An error encountered while executing a work request. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.WorkRequestErrorCollection |
The set of work request errors returned for the list_work_request_errors() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.WorkRequestEventDataAdditionalDetails |
Provides additional information for the work request associated with an event. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.WorkRequestLogEntry |
A log message from the execution of a work request. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.WorkRequestLogEntryCollection |
The set of work request logs returned for the list_work_request_logs() operation. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.WorkRequestManagementStationDetails |
Details about management station actions. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.WorkRequestResource |
A resource created or operated on by a work request. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.WorkRequestSummary |
The summary of a work request. |
oci.os_management_hub.models.WorkRequestSummaryCollection |
The set of work requests returned for the list_work_requests() operation. |