
class oci.os_management_hub.models.AddPackagesToSoftwareSourceDetails(**kwargs)

Bases: object

Provides the list of packages to add to a software source.


__init__(**kwargs) Initializes a new AddPackagesToSoftwareSourceDetails object with values from keyword arguments.


is_continue_on_missing_packages Gets the is_continue_on_missing_packages of this AddPackagesToSoftwareSourceDetails.
packages [Required] Gets the packages of this AddPackagesToSoftwareSourceDetails.

Initializes a new AddPackagesToSoftwareSourceDetails object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):

  • packages (list[str]) – The value to assign to the packages property of this AddPackagesToSoftwareSourceDetails.
  • is_continue_on_missing_packages (bool) – The value to assign to the is_continue_on_missing_packages property of this AddPackagesToSoftwareSourceDetails.

Gets the is_continue_on_missing_packages of this AddPackagesToSoftwareSourceDetails. Indicates whether the service should generate a custom software source when the package list contains invalid values. When set to true, the service ignores any invalid packages and generates the custom software source with using the valid packages.

Returns:The is_continue_on_missing_packages of this AddPackagesToSoftwareSourceDetails.
Return type:bool

[Required] Gets the packages of this AddPackagesToSoftwareSourceDetails. List of packages specified by the name of the package (N) or the full package name (NVRA or NEVRA).

Returns:The packages of this AddPackagesToSoftwareSourceDetails.
Return type:list[str]