Logging Search

Use the Logging Search page to search logs.

Logging provides a powerful tool to search indexed logs. Use the Console to perform any of the following tasks:

  • Search logs, whether in a basic user interface mode, or by typing custom queries in an advanced mode.
  • Filter on values in logs, whether by log fields, text search, or time intervals, all in terms of chosen compartments or log groups.
  • Visualize log data in a bar chart view, along with accompanying tabular data.
  • Explore each log line in more detail. View the raw JSON payload, and view before/after information.
  • Export search results to a JSON file.

Logs are indexed by default, which allows them to be searched using the Console.


For logs to be available and to be searchable from a certain time frame, they must first be enabled, and you can only search for logs after they start ingesting.

You can run log searches by using either the Basic mode filter controls in the interface, or the Advanced mode custom query language interface. See Basic Search Queries and Advanced Search Queries for more information. Searches can also be saved, and you can also search multiple regions.


Only a 14-day range is available when performing log search queries.

Required IAM Policy

To use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, you must be granted security access in a policy  by an administrator. This access is required whether you're using the Console or the REST API with an SDK, CLI, or other tool. If you get a message that you don't have permission or are unauthorized, verify with your administrator what type of access you have and which compartment  to work in.

Administrators: For specific examples of policy, see Required Permissions for Searching Logs.

If you're new to policies, see Getting Started with Policies and Common Policies. If you want to know more about writing policies for Logging, see Details for Logging.

Required Permissions for Searching Logs

To search indexed logs, a user must have the read permission on the log content and read access to the log group.

allow group GroupA to read log-groups in tenancy
allow group GroupA to read log-content in tenancy

To search indexed logs, you must have access to the log group that contains the indexed logs. For more information, see Required Permissions for Working with Logs and Log Groups.

To view and search Audit Logs, you must also have the corresponding Audit-related permissions. See Details for the Audit Service for more information. For example:

  • search "compartment" requires AUDIT_EVENT_READ, and if there are any log objects, it would also require LOG_CONTENT_READ
  • search "compartment/_Audit" requires just AUDIT_EVENT_READ.
  • search "compartmentOcid/logGroupNameOrOcid/logNameOrOcid" requires LOG_CONTENT_READ only.
  • search "compartmentOcid1/_Audit" "compartmentOcid2/logGroupNameOrOcid/logNameOrOcid" requires LOG_CONTENT_READ on logGroupNameOrOcid and AUDIT_EVENT_READ on compartmentOcid1.

Basic Search Queries

To search and filter logs:

  1. Open the navigation menu and click Observability & Management. Under Logging, click Search.
  2. In Custom filters, you can start typing to automatically display filter settings, along with operators. For example, entering d displays filters starting with that letter. Use the up or down arrow keys to select from the list, or continue typing to enter what you want to filter on. For example, data.compartmentName='<tenancy_name>'.
  3. In Select logs to search, the root compartment is already selected by default for filtering. Click this field to open the Select logs to search panel, where you can filter by compartments you have permission to work in, in addition to filtering by Log Groups and Logs. You can filter by multiple compartments and log groups. For any filters you create in this panel that you want to remove, click the filter X icon in the Select Logs to Search field.
  4. You can limit results to a specific time range. In Filter by time, select a predetermined time range from the list, or select Custom to specify a date range in the calendar Start Date and End Date. You can also specify a time value in the box next to the calendar. Use an end time to refine the time window.
  5. The log data in the Explore and Visualize tabs is reloaded according to your filter settings, or you can click Search to apply the filter.

Since the Search page automatically refreshes after applying filters and selecting logs, you do not need to click the Search button as you select different filters. You will, however, need to click Search again after some time has passed and new logs have appeared. When performing Advanced Mode queries however, you do need to always click this button to submit a query.

Filter settings are maintained when switching to Advanced Mode.

To remove a filters from the Search page, under Filters, click the X icon next to the filter.

See Viewing and Working with Search Results for more information on search results, and Visualizing Search Results for more information on visualizing Basic Mode searches.

Advanced Search Queries

When performing a search on the Logging Search page, you can click Show Advanced Mode to enter your own custom log search queries. In addition, Advanced Mode searching provides more comprehensive search options that aren't available in Basic Mode.

Be default, the following is displayed in the Query field after clicking Show Advanced Mode:

search "ocid1.tenancy.oc1..<unique_id>" | sort by datetime desc

For example, you can modify this default search by entering:

search "ocid1.tenancy.oc1..<unique_id>" | sort by datetime desc
| summarize count() as cnt by rounddown(datetime,  '15m') as interval

This returns {"interval": 1600364700000,"cnt": 31} and {"interval": 1600365600000,"cnt": 220} under Log Data in the Explore tab.

When entering search queries, auto-complete hints are providing as you type (which you can select from a pop-up menu as you type), and syntax validation is performed in real time in the background as you type a query.


When you switch from Advanced Mode to Basic Mode, the query is lost and is not available in Basic Mode. A warning is displayed for this scenario to confirm your preference.

The Advanced Mode search uses a specific syntax, using the Logging query language, which is described in Logging Query Language Specification .

See Viewing and Working with Search Results for more information on search results, and Visualizing Search Results for more information on visualizing Advanced Mode searches.