Monitor External Database Systems

As a Database Infrastructure Administrator, monitoring the status and performance of the components in a DB system is essential as this in turn determines the status and performance of the database.

Database Management provides a unified view of the components in the External Database System on the Database System details page and enables you to monitor their status over a selected period of time. On the Database System details page, you can monitor:

  • Single Instance External Database System, which includes:
    • Oracle Databases
      • CDBs
      • PDBs
      • Non-CDBs
    • Local listeners
  • RAC External Database System and Single Instance External Database System on RAC One Node, which include:
    • Oracle Databases
      • CDBs
      • PDBs
      • Non-CDBs
    • Clusters
      • Standard clusters
      • Flex clusters
    • ASM instances
    • Listeners
      • Local listeners
      • SCAN listeners
      • ASM Net listeners

For more information on these components, see Oracle Database documentation.

Before you go to the Database System details page to monitor the External Database System, you must:

  • Complete the prerequisite tasks, obtain the permissions required to monitor the External Database System, and discover the External Database System and connect to the components. For information, see Get Started.
  • Enable Database Management Diagnostics & Management for at least one database in the DB system. For information, see Enable Diagnostics & Management for External Databases.

To go to the Database System details page and monitor the External Database System:

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.
  2. Open the navigation menu, click Observability & Management. Under Database Management, click Administration.
  3. On the left pane, select the compartment in which you discovered the External Database System and select External in the Deployment type drop-down list.
  4. Click the External Database System display name link in the Database System column.

    The Database System details page is displayed.

On the Database System details page, you can:

  • Click Rediscover Database System to rediscover the External Database System and register any new components added to the DB system. For information, see Discover External Database Systems.
  • Click More actions to perform the following tasks:
    • Click Rename to rename the External Database System.
    • Click Add tags to add tags to the External Database System. For information, see Working with Resource Tags.
    • Click Move resource to move the External Database System to another compartment.
    • Click View connectors to view the connectors used to connect to the External Database System and the components. In the View connectors panel, click the display name of the connector to go to the External connector details page and view connector details. For information, see Manage Connections to External Database System Components.
    • Click Disable Database Management to disable Database Management for the External Database System. If Database Management is disabled on an External Database System, then it stops monitoring the components and you can no longer perform tasks such as rediscovering the External Database System. Note that even when Database Management is disabled for the External Database System, Diagnostics & Management remains enabled for the databases in the DB system.
    • Click Deregister External Database System to deregister the External Database System components. Note that even when the External Database System is deregistered, the databases in the External Database System are not deregistered and they continue to be monitored and managed by Database Management.
  • View Database System information, which includes details such as the OCID and home location of the External Database System. In the Database System information section, you can:
    • Click the compartment link to go to the Compartment details page.
    • Monitor the total number of open alarms and the number of alarms by severity for the External Database System. Note that the alarms are only displayed in Database Management if the OCID of the resource is specified using the resourceId dimension when creating the alarm. You can click the number of alarms to access the Alarms panel and review the list of open alarms. For information, see Monitor Alarms for External Database Systems.
  • Click the Tags tab to add, view, edit, or remove tags. For information, see Working with Resource Tags.
  • Monitor the components in the External Database System in the Summary section for the time period selected in the Time period drop-down list.
    • Monitor the status of each component during the selected time period in the Monitoring status timeline section. The monitoring status indicates whether Database Management can collect monitoring metrics for the component. The color of the blocks denotes the monitoring status and the number of blocks denotes the time slots within the selected time period over which status is checked. For example, if the default time period, Last 60 min, is selected, then each block represents a period of two minutes. Here's information on what the color of the blocks in the Monitoring status timeline denotes:
      • Green: All the components of a particular component type are available and monitored during the selected time period.
      • Amber: Some of the components of a particular component type have monitoring issues during the selected time period.
      • Red: All the components of a particular component type are down during the selected time period.
      • Grey: All the components of a particular component type have monitoring issues during the selected time period.
    • Monitor the components in the External Database System over the selected time period.

      The Cluster and ASM sections are only displayed on the Database System details page of a RAC External Database System and Single Instance External Database System on RAC One Node.
      • Cluster: Monitor the status of the cluster and cluster nodes in the External Database System. In this section, you can:
        • Click the display name of the cluster to go to the External cluster details page.
        • Click the link in the Cluster connection column to go to the External connector details page to view connector details.
        • Click the Actions icon (Actions) for the cluster to perform tasks such as going to the External cluster details page or editing the connection.
      • Databases: Monitor the status of the databases in the External Database System. You can select the Show Managed Databases only check box to only view the databases for which Diagnostics & Management is enabled. In addition, you can select an option in the drop-down list in the upper-right corner of the section to filter the databases and view CDBs and PDBs or RAC instances.

        Click the display name of the database to go to the corresponding Managed database details page. For information on the tasks you can perform to monitor and manage an External Database using Diagnostics & Management, see Monitor and Manage a Specific Managed Database.

      • ASM: Monitor the status of the ASM instances in the External Database System. In this section, you can:
        • Click the display name of the ASM to go to the External ASM details page.
        • Click the link in the ASM connection column to go to the External connector details page to view connector details.
        • Monitor the associated cluster nodes and their status in the Cluster nodes column.
        • Click the Actions icon (Actions) for the ASM to perform tasks such as going to the External ASM details page or editing the connection.
      • Listener: Monitor the status of the listeners in the External Database System. In this section, you can:
        • Click the display name of the listener to go to the External listener details page.
        • Click the link in the Listener connection column to go to the External connector details page to view connector details.
        • Monitor node status in the Node status column for listeners in a single instance External Database System. Monitor the associated cluster nodes and their status in the Cluster nodes column for listeners in the RAC External Database System and Single Instance External Database System on RAC One Node.
        • Click the Actions icon (Actions) for a listener to perform tasks such as going to the External listener details page or editing the connection.
  • Click Work requests on the left pane under Resources to monitor the work requests pertaining to the External Database System.