Using JupyterHub in Big Data Service 3.0.26 or Earlier

Use JupyterHub to manage Big Data Service 3.0.26 or earlier ODH 1.x notebooks for groups of users.


Before JupyterHub can be accessed from a browser, an administrator must:

  • Make the node available to incoming connections from users. The node's private IP address needs to be mapped to a public IP address. Alternatively, the cluster can be set up to use a bastion host or Oracle FastConnect. See Connecting to Cluster Nodes with Private IP Addresses.
  • Open port 8000 on the node by configuring the ingress rules in the network security list. See Defining Security Rules.

JupyterHub Default Credentials

The default admin sign-in credentials for JupyterHub in Big Data Service 3.0.21 and earlier are:

  • Username: jupyterhub
  • Password: Apache Ambari admin password. This is the cluster admin password that was specified when the cluster was created.
  • Principal name for HA cluster: jupyterhub
  • Keytab for HA cluster: /etc/security/keytabs/jupyterhub.keytab

The default admin sign-in credentials for JupyterHub in Big Data Service 3.0.22 through 3.0.26 are:

  • User name: jupyterhub
  • Password: Apache Ambari admin password. This is the cluster admin password that was specified when the cluster was created.
  • Principal name for HA cluster: jupyterhub/<FQDN-OF-UN1-Hostname>
  • Keytab for HA cluster: /etc/security/keytabs/jupyterhub.keytab
    Principal name for HA cluster: jupyterhub/
              Keytab for HA cluster: /etc/security/keytabs/jupyterhub.keytab 

The admin creates additional users and their sign-in credentials, and provides the sign-in credentials to those users. For more information, see Manage Users and Permissions.


Unless explicitly referenced as some other type of administrator, the use of administrator or admin throughout this section refers to the JupyterHub administrator, jupyterhub.

Accessing JupyterHub

Access JupyterHub through the browser for Big Data Service 3.0.26 or earlier clusters. The JupyterHub is accessed in a browser after the prerequisites are met.
  1. Open a browser window.
  2. Enter a URL in the following format:

  3. Sign in with your credentials.
    If you're an admin user: Use the default admin credentials, or create a new admin user.
    If you're a non-admin user: Sign up from the Sign Up page. An admin user must authorize the new signed up user. After authorization, user can sign in.

Alternatively, you can access the JupyterHub link from the Cluster details page under Cluster URLs.

You can also create a Load Balancer to provide a secure front end for accessing services, including JupyterHub. See Connecting to Services on a Cluster Using Load Balancer.

Spawning Notebooks

Spawning Notebooks in an HA cluster

The prerequisites must be met for the user trying to spawn notebooks.

  1. Access JupyterHub.
  2. Sign-in with admin credentials. The authorization works only if the user is present on the Linux host. JupyterHub searches for the user on the Linux host while trying to spawn the notebook server.
  3. You're redirected to a Server Options page where you must request a Kerberos ticket. This ticket can be requested using either Kerberos principal and the keytab file, or the Kerberos password. The cluster admin can provide the Kerberos principal and the keytab file, or the Kerberos password.

    The Kerberos ticket is needed to get access on the HDFS directories and other big data services that you want to use.

Spawning Notebooks in a non-HA Cluster

The prerequisites must be met for the user trying to spawn notebooks.

  1. Access JupyterHub.
  2. Sign-in with admin credentials. The authorization works only if the user is present on the Linux host. JupyterHub searches for the user on the Linux host while trying to spawn the notebook server.

Manage JupyterHub

A JupyterHub admin user can perform the following tasks to manage notebooks in JupyterHub on Big Data Service 3.0.26 or earlier ODH 1.x nodes.

Configuring JupyterHub Through the Browser

As an admin, you can configure JupyterHub.


Configure JupyterHub through the browser for Big Data Service 3.0.26 or earlier clusters.
  1. Connect as opc user to the utility node where JupyterHub is installed (the second utility node of an HA (highly-available) cluster, or the first and only utility node of a non-HA cluster).
  2. Use sudo to manage JupyterHub configs that are stored at /opt/jupyterhub/
    For example, to change port number of JupyterHub, run following commands
    vi /opt/jupyterhub/
    # search for c.JupyterHub.bind_url and edit the port number and save
    sudo systemctl restart jupyterhub.service
    sudo systemctl status jupyterhub.service
Stopping and Starting JupyterHub Through the Browser

Stop or start JupyterHub through the browser for Big Data Service 3.0.26 or earlier clusters.

As an admin, you can stop or disable the application so it doesn't consume resources, such as memory. Restarting might also help with unexpected issues or behavior.

  1. Connect as opc user to the utility node where JupyterHub is installed (the second utility node of an HA (highly-available) cluster, or the first and only utility node of a non-HA cluster).
  2. Use sudo to start, stop, or restart JupyterHub.
    sudo systemctl start jupyterhub.service
    sudo systemctl stop jupyterhub.service
    sudo systemctl restart jupyterhub.service
    sudo systemctl status jupyterhub.service
Managing Notebook Limits

As an admin, you can limit the number of active notebook servers in Big Data Service cluster.

By default, the number of active notebook servers is set as twice the number of OCPUs in the node. The default OCPU limit is three, and the default memory limit is 2 G. The default settings for minimum active notebooks is 10 and maximum active notebooks is 80.
  1. Connect as opc user to the utility node where JupyterHub is installed (the second utility node of an HA (highly-available) cluster, or the first and only utility node of a non-HA cluster).
  2. Use sudo to edit JupyterHub configs that are stored at /opt/jupyterhub/
    c.JupyterHub.active_server_limit = 10
    c.Spawner.cpu_limit = 3
    c.Spawner.mem_limit = '2G'
Updating Notebook Content Manager
Updating HDFS Content Manager

By default, notebooks are stored in HDFS directory of a cluster.

You must have access to the HDFS directory hdfs:///user/<username>/. The notebooks are saved in hdfs:///user/<username>/notebooks/.

  1. Connect as opc user to the utility node where JupyterHub is installed (the second utility node of an HA (highly-available) cluster, or the first and only utility node of a non-HA cluster).
  2. Use sudo to manage JupyterHub configs that are stored at /opt/jupyterhub/
    c.Spawner.args = ['--ServerApp.contents_manager_class="hdfscm.HDFSContentsManager"']
  3. Use sudo to restart JupyterHub.
    sudo systemctl restart jupyterhub.service
Updating Object Storage Content Manager

As an admin user, you can store the individual user notebooks in Object Storage instead of HDFS. When you change the content manager from HDFS to Object Storage, the existing notebooks aren't copied over to Object Storage. The new notebooks are saved in Object Storage.

  1. Connect as opc user to the utility node where JupyterHub is installed (the second utility node of an HA (highly-available) cluster, or the first and only utility node of a non-HA cluster).
  2. Use sudo to manage JupyterHub configs that are stored at /opt/jupyterhub/ See generate access and secret key to learn how to generate the required keys.
    c.Spawner.args = ['--ServerApp.contents_manager_class="s3contents.S3ContentsManager"', '--S3ContentsManager.bucket="<bucket-name>"', '--S3ContentsManager.access_key_id="<accesskey>"', '--S3ContentsManager.secret_access_key="<secret-key>"', '--S3ContentsManager.endpoint_url="https://<object-storage-endpoint>"', '--S3ContentsManager.region_name="<region>"','--ServerApp.root_dir=""']
  3. Use sudo to restart JupyterHub.
    sudo systemctl restart jupyterhub.service

Integrate with Object Storage

Integrate Spark with Object Storage for use with Big Data Service clusters.

In JupyterHub, for Spark to work with Object Storage you must define some system properties and populate them into the spark.driver.extraJavaOption and spark.executor.extraJavaOptions properties in Spark configs.


Before you can successfully integrate JupyterHub with Object Storage, you must:

  • Create a bucket in Object Store to store data.
  • Create an Object Storage API key.
Retrieving System Properties Values

The properties you must define in Spark configs are:

  • TenantID
  • Userid
  • Fingerprint
  • PemFilePath
  • PassPhrase
  • Region

The retrieve the values for these properties:

  1. Open the navigation menu and click Analytics & AI. Under Data Lake, click Big Data Service.
  2. Under Compartment, select the compartment that hosts the cluster.
  3. In the list of clusters, click the cluster you're working with that has JupyterHub.
  4. Under Resources click Object Storage API keys.
  5. From the actions menu of the API key you want to view, click View configuration file.

The configuration file has all the system properties details except the passphrase. The passphrase is specified while creating the Object Storage API key and you must recollect and use the same passphrase.

Example: Storing and Reading Data From Object Storage in Python Kernel Using pyspark
  1. Access JupyterHub.
  2. Open a new notebook.
  3. Copy and paste the following commands to connect to Spark.
    import findspark
    import pyspark
  4. Copy and paste the following commands to create a Spark session with the specified configurations. Replace the variables with the system properties values you retrieved before.
    from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
    spark = SparkSession \
        .builder \
        .enableHiveSupport() \
        .appName("<appname>") \
  5. Copy and paste the following commands to create the Object Storage directories and file, and store data in Parquet Format.
    demoUri = "oci://<BucketName>@<Tenancy>/<DirectoriesAndSubDirectories>/"
    parquetTableUri = demoUri + "<fileName>"
  6. Copy and paste the following command to read data from Object Storage."parquet").load(parquetTableUri).show()
  7. Run the notebook with all these commands.

    Access Object Storage on Jupyter

The output of the code is displayed. You can navigate to the Object Storage bucket from the Console and find the file created in the bucket.

Manage Users and Permissions

Use one of the two authentication methods to authenticate users to JupyterHub so that they can create notebooks, and optionally administer JupyterHub.

By default, ODH 1.x clusters support native authentication. But, authentication for JupyterHub and other big data services must be handled differently. To spawn single user notebooks, the user signing in to JupyterHub needs to be present on the Linux host and needs to have permissions to write to the root directory in HDFS. Otherwise, the spawner fails as the notebook process is triggered as the Linux user.

For information on native authentication, see Native Authentication.

For information on LDAP authentication for Big Data Service 3.0.26 or earlier, see LDAP Authentication.

Native Authentication

Native authentication depends on the JupyterHub user database for authenticating users.

Native authentication applies to both HA and non-HA clusters. Refer native authenticator for details on the native authenticator.

Prerequisites for Authorizing a User in an HA Cluster

These prerequisites must be met to authorize a user in a Big Data Service HA cluster using native authentication.

  1. The user must be existing in the Linux host. Run the following command to add a new Linux user on all the nodes of a cluster.
    # Add linux user
    dcli -C "useradd -d /home/<username> -m -s /bin/bash <username>"
  2. To start a notebook server, a user must provide the principal and the keytab file path/password and request a Kerberos ticket from the JupyterHub interface. To create a keytab, the cluster admin must add Kerberos principal with a password and with a keytab file. Run the following commands on the first master node (mn0) in the cluster.
    # Create a kdc principal with password or give access to existing keytabs.
    kadmin.local -q "addprinc <principalname>"
    Password Prompt: Enter passwrod
    # Create a kdc principal with keytab file or give access to existing keytabs.
    kadmin.local -q 'ktadd -k /etc/security/keytabs/<principal>.keytab principal'
  3. The new user must have correct Ranger permissions to store files in the HDFS directory hdfs:///users/<username> as the individual notebooks are stored in /users/<username>/notebooks. The cluster admin can add the required permission from the Ranger interface by opening the following URL in a web browser.
  4. The new user must have correct permissions on Yarn, Hive, and Object Storage to read and write data, and run Spark jobs. Alternatively, user can use Livy impersonation (run Big Data Service jobs as Livy user) without getting explicit permissions on Spark, Yarn, and other services.
  5. Run the following command to give the new user access to the HDFS directory.
    # Give access to hdfs directory
    # kdc realm is by default BDSCLOUDSERVICE.ORACLE.COM
    kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/hdfs.headless.keytab hdfs-<clustername>@<kdc_realm> 
    sudo su hdfs -c "hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/<username>"
    sudo su hdfs -c "hdfs dfs -chown -R jupy5 /user/<username>"
Prerequisites for Authorizing a User in a non-HA Cluster

These prerequisites must be met to authorize a user in a Big Data Service non-HA cluster using native authentication.

  1. The user must be existing in the Linux host. Run the following command to add a new Linux user on all the nodes of a cluster.
    # Add linux user
    dcli -C "useradd -d /home/<username> -m -s /bin/bash <username>"
  2. The new user must have correct permissions to store files in the HDFS directory hdfs:///users/<username>. Run the following command to give the new user access to the HDFS directory.
    # Give access to hdfs directory
    sudo su hdfs -c "hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/<username>"
    sudo su hdfs -c "hdfs dfs -chown -R jupy5 /user/<username>"
Adding an Admin User

Admin users are responsible for configuring and managing JupyterHub. Admin users are also responsible for authorizing newly signed up users on JupyterHub.

Before adding an admin user, the prerequisites must be met for an HA cluster or non-HA cluster.

  1. Access Apache Ambari.
  2. From the side toolbar, under Services click JupyterHub.
  3. Click Configs, and then click Advanced Configs.
  4. Select Advanced jupyterhub-config.
  5. Add admin user to c.Authenticator.admin_users.
  6. Click Save.
An admin user in the JupyterHub config file isn't required to have explicit authorization during sign-in. After signing up, you can sign in directly.
Adding Other Users

Before adding other users, the prerequisites must be met for a Big Data Service cluster.

  1. Access JupyterHub.
  2. Sign up for the new user. Non-admin users need explicit authorization from the admin users.
  3. Admin user must sign in JupyterHub and from the new menu option to authorize signed in users, authorise the new user.
    Screenshot of the Authorize Users page in Jupyterhub
  4. New user can now sign-in.
Deleting Users

An admin user can delete JupyterHub users.

  1. Access JupyterHub.
  2. Open File > HubControlPanel.
  3. Navigate to the Authorize Users page.
  4. Delete the users you want to remove.
LDAP Authentication

You can use LDAP authentication through a browser for Big Data Service 3.0.26 or earlier ODH 1.x clusters.

Integrate with Trino

  • Trino must be installed and configured in Big Data Service cluster.
  • Install the following Python module in the JupyterHub node (un1 for HA / un0 for non-HA cluster)

    Ignore this step if the Trino-Python module is already present in the node.
    python3.6 -m pip install trino[sqlalchemy]
    Offline Installation:
    Download the required python module in any machine where we have internet access
    python3 -m pip download trino[sqlalchemy] -d /tmp/package
    Copy the above folder content to the offline node & install the package
    python3 -m pip install ./package/*
    Note : trino.sqlalchemy is compatible with the latest 1.3.x and 1.4.x SQLAlchemy versions. 
    BDS cluster node comes with python3.6 and SQLAlchemy-1.4.46 by default.
Integrating with Big Data Service HA Cluster

If the Trino-Ranger-Plugin is enabled, then be sure to add the provided keytab user in the respective Trino Ranger policies. See Integrating Trino with Ranger.

By default, Trino uses the full Kerberos principal name as the user. Therefore, when adding/updating trino-ranger policies, you must use full Kerberos principal name as username.

For the following code sample, use jupyterhub@BDSCLOUDSERVICE.ORACLE.COM as the user in the trino-ranger policies.


If the Trino-Ranger-Plugin is enabled, be sure to add the provided keytab user in the respective Trino Ranger policies. For more details see Enabling Ranger for Trino.

Provide Ranger permissions for JupyterHub to the following policies:

  • all - catalog, schema, table, column
  • all - function
  1. Open a browser window.
  2. Enter a URL in the following format:

    For example:
  3. Sign in with your credentials. See JupyterHub Default Credentials.
  4. Enter the Principle and Keytab.
  5. Open the Phython 3 notebook.
  6. Create engine with Trino:
    from sqlalchemy import create_engine
    from sqlalchemy.schema import Table, MetaData
    from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import select, text
    from trino.auth import KerberosAuthentication
    from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
    import pandas as pd
    # Provide user specific keytab_path and principal. If user wants to run queries 
    with different keytab then user can update below keytab_path & user_principal 
    else #user can use same keytab_path, principal that is used while starting the 
    notebook session.
    #Refer below sample code
    # Cert path is required for SSL.
    cert_path= '/etc/security/serverKeys/oraclerootCA.crt'
    # trino url = 'trino://<trino-coordinator>:<port>'
    # This is optional step, required only if user wants to run queries with different keytab.
    kinit_args = [ '/usr/bin/kinit', '-kt', keytab_path, user_principal]
    subp = Popen(kinit_args, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
    engine = create_engine(
            "auth": KerberosAuthentication(service_name="trino", principal=user_principal, ca_bundle=cert_path),
            "http_scheme": "https",
            "verify": True
  7. Run the query:
    query = "select custkey, name, phone, acctbal from tpch.sf1.customer limit 10"
    df = pd.read_sql(query, engine)
Integrating with Big Data Service non-HA cluster
  1. Open a browser window.
  2. Enter a URL in the following format:

    For example:
  3. Log in with your credentials. See JupyterHub Default Credentials.
  4. Open the Phython 3 notebook.
  5. Create engine with Trino:
    from sqlalchemy import create_engine
    from sqlalchemy.schema import Table, MetaData
    from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import select, text
    import pandas as pd
    # trino url = 'trino://trino@<trino-coordinator>:<port>'
    engine = create_engine(trino_url)
  6. Execute the query:
    query = "select custkey, name, phone, acctbal from tpch.sf1.customer limit 10"
    df = pd.read_sql(query, engine)