Creating and Managing Tasks

Create tasks in a project or folder in Data Integration.

By default, you can have simultaneous or parallel task runs of a task at a given time. To disallow concurrent task runs of a task that are initiated manually, select the Disable simultaneous execution of the task checkbox when you create the task. This checkbox is applicable to all tasks except data loader tasks.

See the following pages for the type of task that you want to create:

The tasks that you have created in a project or folder are listed in the Tasks section of that project or folder. For the actions that can be performed on a task using the Actions menu, see Actions on the Tasks Page.

The following pages describe common management tasks that can be performed with all task types:

Actions on the Tasks Page

The Tasks section of a project or folder details page shows the list of tasks created in that project or folder.

To find a task, enter the complete name of a task in the Filter by name field and press Enter. You can also use the Favorite filter menu to display only those tasks that are marked as favorite. Click Clear to remove the filter.

In the Tasks list, you can perform the following actions on a task by using the task's Actions menu (Actions menu):

  • View details: Displays the task for editing.
  • Copy task key: Copies to the clipboard the key of the task, which you can use with Data Integration API.
  • Publish to application: Lets you publish the task to an application in OCI Data Integration. See Publishing to a Data Integration Application.
  • Publish to OCI Data Flow: (For integration and data loader tasks only) Lets you publish the task to an application in OCI Data Flow. See Publishing to OCI Data Flow.
  • View OCI Data Flow publish history: Lets you view the current status and the history of publishing the task from the Data Integration service to the Data Flow service. For integration and data loader tasks only. See Viewing the OCI Data Flow Publish History for a Task.
  • Duplicate: Lets you make a copy of the task. See Duplicating a Task.
  • Move: Lets you move the task from its current location to another project or folder. See Moving a Task.
  • Delete: Lets you delete the task.

To view and edit a task, see Task Designing and select the type of task you want to work with.

Duplicating a Task

When you duplicate a task in Data Integration, a copy of the task is created in the same project or folder.

  1. Open the project or folder that contains the task that you want to duplicate.

    For the steps to open the details page of a project or folder, see Viewing the Details of a Project and Viewing the Details of a Folder.

  2. On the project or folder details page, click Tasks.
  3. In the list of tasks, select Duplicate from the Actions menu (Actions menu) of the task.
  4. In the Duplicate task dialog box, enter a name or use the default name for the duplicated task.

    The identifier is a system-generated value based on the name You can change the identifier value, but after you create the duplicate task, you can't update the identifier.

  5. Click Duplicate.

    The duplicated task is listed in the Tasks list.

You can move the duplicated task to another project or folder, if needed. See Moving a Task.

Moving a Task

Move a task from its current project or folder location to another project or folder in Data Integration.

  1. Open the project or folder that contains the task that you want to move.

    For the steps to open the details page of a project or folder, see Viewing the Details of a Project and Viewing the Details of a Folder.

  2. On the project or folder details page, click Tasks.
  3. In the list of tasks, select Move from the Actions menu (Actions menu) of the task.
  4. In the Move task panel, select the project or folder to move the task to.
  5. Click Move.

    The task that you moved is no longer listed in the Tasks list.

To confirm that the task has been moved to the correct location, open the project or folder where the task is moved to. Navigate to the Tasks page and find the task in the Tasks list.