oci.database.models.AcdAvmResourceStats |
Resource usage by autonomous container database in a particular VM. |
oci.database.models.ActionMember |
The details of an action member. |
oci.database.models.ActionOrderDetails |
Describes the ordering list of action resources. |
oci.database.models.ActionParamValuesCollection |
A list of Action Parameters. |
oci.database.models.ActionParamValuesSummary |
Details of the action parameter and its possible values that is used in listParamsForActionType. |
oci.database.models.ActivateExadataInfrastructureDetails |
The activation details for the Exadata Cloud@Customer infrastructure. |
oci.database.models.AddStandbyAutonomousContainerDatabaseDetails |
Create Standby Autonomous Container Database to an existing Autonomous Container Database |
oci.database.models.AddVirtualMachineToCloudVmClusterDetails |
Details of adding Virtual Machines to the Cloud VM Cluster. |
oci.database.models.AddVirtualMachineToVmClusterDetails |
Details of adding Virtual Machines to the VM Cluster. |
oci.database.models.AppVersionSummary |
The version details specific to an app. |
oci.database.models.ApplicationVip |
Details of an application virtual IP (VIP) address. |
oci.database.models.ApplicationVipSummary |
Details of an application virtual IP (VIP) address. |
oci.database.models.AssociatedDatabaseDetails |
Databases associated with a backup destination |
oci.database.models.AutomatedMountDetails |
Used for creating NFS Auto Mount backup destinations for autonomous on ExaCC. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousContainerDatabase |
AutonomousContainerDatabase model. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousContainerDatabaseBackupConfig |
Backup options for the Autonomous Container Database. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousContainerDatabaseDataguard |
The properties that define Autonomous Container Databases Dataguard. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousContainerDatabaseDataguardAssociation |
The properties that define Autonomous Data Guard association between two different Autonomous Container Databases. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousContainerDatabaseResourceUsage |
Associated autonomous container databases usages. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousContainerDatabaseSummary |
An Autonomous Container Database is a container database service that enables the customer to host one or more databases within the container database. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousContainerDatabaseVersionSummary |
The supported Autonomous Database version. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousDataWarehouse |
Deprecated. See AutonomousDatabase for reference information about Autonomous Databases with the warehouse workload type. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousDataWarehouseConnectionStrings |
Deprecated. For information about connection strings to connect to an Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse, see autonomous_database_connection_strings() . |
oci.database.models.AutonomousDataWarehouseSummary |
Deprecated. See autonomous_database() for reference information about Autonomous Databases with the warehouse workload type. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousDatabase |
An Oracle Autonomous Database. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousDatabaseApex |
Oracle APEX Application Development is a low-code development platform that enables you to build scalable, secure enterprise apps, with world-class features. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousDatabaseBackup |
An Autonomous Database backup. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousDatabaseBackupConfig |
Autonomous Database configuration details for storing `manual backups`__ in the `Object Storage`__ service. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary |
An Autonomous Database backup. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousDatabaseCharacterSets |
The Oracle Autonomous Database supported character sets. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousDatabaseConnectionStrings |
Connection strings to connect to an Oracle Autonomous Database. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousDatabaseConnectionUrls |
The URLs for accessing Oracle Application Express (APEX) and SQL Developer Web with a browser from a Compute instance within your VCN or that has a direct connection to your VCN. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousDatabaseConsoleTokenDetails |
The token that allows the OCI Console to access the Autonomous Database Service Console. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousDatabaseDataguardAssociation |
The properties that define dataguard association between two different Autonomous Databases. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousDatabaseEncryptionKeyDetails |
Details of the Autonomous Database encryption key. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousDatabaseEncryptionKeyHistoryEntry |
The Autonomous Database encryption key history entry. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousDatabaseKeyHistoryEntry |
The Autonomous Database `Vault`__ service key management history entry. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousDatabaseManualRefreshDetails |
Details of manual refresh for an Autonomous Database refreshable clone. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousDatabasePeerCollection |
The object holds details about the peer Autonomous Databases for an Oracle Autonomous Database. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousDatabasePeerSummary |
The object holds details about a peer Autonomous Database for Oracle Autonomous Database. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousDatabaseSoftwareImage |
Autonomous Database Software Images created from Autonomous Container Database |
oci.database.models.AutonomousDatabaseSoftwareImageCollection |
Result of List Autonomous Database Software Images. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousDatabaseSoftwareImageSummary |
The Database service supports the creation of Autonomous Database Software Images for use in creating Autonomous Container Database. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousDatabaseStandbySummary |
Autonomous Data Guard standby database details. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousDatabaseSummary |
An Oracle Autonomous Database. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousDatabaseWallet |
The Autonomous Database wallet details. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousDbPreviewVersionSummary |
The Autonomous Database preview version. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousDbVersionSummary |
The supported Autonomous Database version. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousDwDatabase |
An Oracle Autonomous Database. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousExadataInfrastructure |
AutonomousExadataInfrastructure model. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousExadataInfrastructureShapeSummary |
The shape of the Autonomous Exadata Infrastructure. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousExadataInfrastructureSummary |
Deprecated These APIs are deprecated with the introduction of the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster resource and a shift to a common Exadata Infrastructure resource for all Exadata Cloud-based services, including Autonomous Database on dedicated Exadata infrastructure. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousPatch |
AutonomousPatch model. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousPatchSummary |
A patch for an Autonomous Exadata Infrastructure or Autonomous Container Database. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousVirtualMachine |
Autonomous Virtual Machine details. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousVirtualMachineSummary |
Details of the Autonomous Virtual Machine. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousVmCluster |
Details of the Autonomous VM cluster. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousVmClusterResourceDetails |
Unallocated resource details of the AVM |
oci.database.models.AutonomousVmClusterResourceUsage |
Autonomous VM Cluster usage details, including the Autonomous Container Databases usage. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousVmClusterSummary |
Details of the Autonomous VM cluster. |
oci.database.models.AutonomousVmResourceUsage |
Autonomous VM usage statistics. |
oci.database.models.AvmAcdResourceStats |
Associated autonomous container databases usages. |
oci.database.models.AwsKeyDetails |
Details for AWS encryption key. |
oci.database.models.AzureKeyDetails |
Details for Azure encryption key. |
oci.database.models.Backup |
Backup model. |
oci.database.models.BackupDestination |
Backup destination details. |
oci.database.models.BackupDestinationConfigurationSummary |
Information about the Autonomous Container Database’s secondary backup destination(s). |
oci.database.models.BackupDestinationDetails |
Backup destination details |
oci.database.models.BackupDestinationDetailsSummary |
Information about the backup destination associated with the Autonomous Container Database. |
oci.database.models.BackupDestinationProperties |
The properties of the backup destination associated with the Autonomous Container Database. |
oci.database.models.BackupDestinationSummary |
Backup destination details, including the list of databases using the backup destination. |
oci.database.models.BackupSummary |
A database backup. |
oci.database.models.CancelExecutionWindowDetails |
Describe the parameters to create a new execution window after this execution window is canceled. |
oci.database.models.ChangeAutonomousDatabaseSoftwareImageCompartmentDetails |
The configuration details for moving the resource. |
oci.database.models.ChangeAutonomousDatabaseSubscriptionDetails |
The configuration details for associating the Autonomous Database with a different subscription. |
oci.database.models.ChangeAutonomousVmClusterCompartmentDetails |
The configuration details for moving the Autonomous VM cluster. |
oci.database.models.ChangeCloudAutonomousVmClusterCompartmentDetails |
The configuration details for moving the cloud Autonomous VM cluster. |
oci.database.models.ChangeCloudExadataInfrastructureCompartmentDetails |
The configuration details for moving the cloud Exadata infrastructure resource to another compartment. |
oci.database.models.ChangeCloudExadataInfrastructureSubscriptionDetails |
The configuration details for associating the cloud Exadata infrastructure resource with a different subscription. |
oci.database.models.ChangeCloudVmClusterCompartmentDetails |
The configuration details for moving the cloud VM cluster to another compartment. |
oci.database.models.ChangeCloudVmClusterSubscriptionDetails |
The configuration details for associating the cloud VM cluster resource with a different subscription. |
oci.database.models.ChangeCompartmentDetails |
The configuration details for moving the resource. |
oci.database.models.ChangeDataguardRoleDetails |
The configuration details for change Autonomous Container Database Dataguard role |
oci.database.models.ChangeDisasterRecoveryConfigurationDetails |
Details to update the cross-region disaster recovery (DR) details of the standby Autonomous Database Serverless instance. |
oci.database.models.ChangeExadataInfrastructureCompartmentDetails |
The configuration details for moving the resource. |
oci.database.models.ChangeExadbVmClusterCompartmentDetails |
The configuration details for moving the Exadata VM cluster on Exascale Infrastructure to another compartment. |
oci.database.models.ChangeExadbVmClusterSubscriptionDetails |
The configuration details for associating the Exadata VM cluster on Exascale Infrastructure with a different subscription. |
oci.database.models.ChangeExascaleDbStorageVaultCompartmentDetails |
The configuration details for moving the Exadata Database Storage Vault to another compartment. |
oci.database.models.ChangeExascaleDbStorageVaultSubscriptionDetails |
The configuration details for associating the Exadata Database Storage Vault with a different subscription. |
oci.database.models.ChangeKeyStoreCompartmentDetails |
The configuration details for moving the key store. |
oci.database.models.ChangeKeyStoreTypeDetails |
Request details to change the source of the encryption key for the database. |
oci.database.models.ChangeSchedulingPlanCompartmentDetails |
The configuration details for moving the Scheduling Plan. |
oci.database.models.ChangeSchedulingPolicyCompartmentDetails |
The configuration details for moving the Scheduling Policy. |
oci.database.models.ChangeSubscriptionDetails |
The configuration details for associating the resource with a different subscription. |
oci.database.models.ChangeVmClusterCompartmentDetails |
The configuration details for moving the VM cluster. |
oci.database.models.CloudAutomationApplyUpdateTimePreference |
Configure the time slot for applying VM cloud automation software updates to the cluster. |
oci.database.models.CloudAutomationFreezePeriod |
Enables a freeze period for the VM cluster prohibiting the VMs from getting cloud automation software updates during critical business cycles. |
oci.database.models.CloudAutomationUpdateDetails |
Specifies the properties necessary for cloud automation updates. |
oci.database.models.CloudAutonomousVmCluster |
Details of the cloud Autonomous VM cluster. |
oci.database.models.CloudAutonomousVmClusterResourceDetails |
Unallocated resource details of the Cloud Autonomous VM Cluster. |
oci.database.models.CloudAutonomousVmClusterResourceUsage |
Cloud Autonomous VM Cluster usage details, including the Autonomous Container Databases usage. |
oci.database.models.CloudAutonomousVmClusterSummary |
Details of the cloud Autonomous VM cluster. |
oci.database.models.CloudDatabaseManagementConfig |
The configuration of the Database Management service. |
oci.database.models.CloudDbServerDetails |
Details of the ExaDB-D DB server. |
oci.database.models.CloudExadataInfrastructure |
Details of the cloud Exadata infrastructure resource. |
oci.database.models.CloudExadataInfrastructureSummary |
Details of the cloud Exadata infrastructure resource. |
oci.database.models.CloudExadataInfrastructureUnallocatedResources |
Details of unallocated resources of the Cloud Exadata infrastructure. |
oci.database.models.CloudVmCluster |
Details of the cloud VM cluster. |
oci.database.models.CloudVmClusterSummary |
Details of the cloud VM cluster. |
oci.database.models.CompleteExternalBackupJobDetails |
CompleteExternalBackupJobDetails model. |
oci.database.models.ComputePerformanceSummary |
Parameters detailing the compute performance for a specified DB system shape. |
oci.database.models.ConfigureAutonomousDatabaseVaultKeyDetails |
Configuration details for the Autonomous Database `vault`__ key. |
oci.database.models.ConfigureExascaleExadataInfrastructureDetails |
The exascale config request details for the Exadata Cloud@Customer infrastructure. |
oci.database.models.ConfigureSaasAdminUserDetails |
Details to update SaaS administrative user configuration. |
oci.database.models.ConsoleConnection |
ConsoleConnection model. |
oci.database.models.ConsoleConnectionSummary |
The InstanceConsoleConnection API provides you with console access to dbnode enabling you to troubleshoot malfunctioning dbnode. |
oci.database.models.ConsoleHistory |
The details of the Db Node console history. |
oci.database.models.ConsoleHistoryCollection |
Results of the Db Node console history lists. |
oci.database.models.ConsoleHistorySummary |
The details of the Db Node console history. |
oci.database.models.ConvertStandbyAutonomousContainerDatabaseDetails |
The configuration details for change Autonomous Container Database Dataguard role |
oci.database.models.ConvertToPdbDetails |
Details for converting a non-container database to pluggable database. |
oci.database.models.ConvertToPdbTargetBase |
Details of the container database in which the converted pluggable database will be located. |
oci.database.models.ConvertToRegularPluggableDatabaseDetails |
Parameters for converting Refreshable Clone Pluggable Database into Regular Pluggable Database. |
oci.database.models.ConvertToStandaloneDetails |
The properties for converting a standby database to a standalone. |
oci.database.models.CreateApplicationVipDetails |
Details to create an application virtual IP (VIP) address on a cloud VM cluster. |
oci.database.models.CreateAutonomousContainerDatabaseDataguardAssociationDetails |
Create Autonomous Dataguard Association to an existing Autonomous Container Database |
oci.database.models.CreateAutonomousContainerDatabaseDetails |
Describes the required parameters for the creation of an Autonomous Container Database. |
oci.database.models.CreateAutonomousDatabaseBackupDetails |
Details to create an Oracle Autonomous Database backup. |
oci.database.models.CreateAutonomousDatabaseBase |
Details to create an Oracle Autonomous Database. |
oci.database.models.CreateAutonomousDatabaseCloneDetails |
Details to create an Oracle Autonomous Database by cloning an existing Autonomous Database. |
oci.database.models.CreateAutonomousDatabaseDetails |
Details to create an Oracle Autonomous Database. |
oci.database.models.CreateAutonomousDatabaseFromBackupDetails |
Details to create an Oracle Autonomous Database by cloning from a backup of an existing Autonomous Database. |
oci.database.models.CreateAutonomousDatabaseFromBackupTimestampDetails |
Details to create a point-in-time clone of an Oracle Autonomous Database by specifying a timestamp. |
oci.database.models.CreateAutonomousDatabaseSoftwareImageDetails |
Parameters for creating a Autonomous Database Software Image |
oci.database.models.CreateAutonomousVmClusterDetails |
Details for the create Autonomous VM cluster operation. |
oci.database.models.CreateBackupDestinationDetails |
Details for creating a backup destination. |
oci.database.models.CreateBackupDetails |
Details for creating a database backup. |
oci.database.models.CreateCloudAutonomousVmClusterDetails |
Details for the create cloud Autonomous VM cluster operation. |
oci.database.models.CreateCloudExadataInfrastructureDetails |
Request to create cloud Exadata infrastructure. |
oci.database.models.CreateCloudVmClusterDetails |
Details for the create cloud VM cluster operation. |
oci.database.models.CreateConsoleConnectionDetails |
The details for creating a Db node console connection. |
oci.database.models.CreateConsoleHistoryDetails |
The details for creating a Db node console history. |
oci.database.models.CreateCrossRegionAutonomousDatabaseDataGuardDetails |
Details to create an Autonomous Data Guard association for an existing Autonomous Database where the standby is in a different (remote) region from the source primary database. |
oci.database.models.CreateCrossRegionDisasterRecoveryDetails |
The following are the details necessary to create a disaster recovery (DR) association for an existing Autonomous Database with a standby in a remote region. |
oci.database.models.CreateCrossTenancyDisasterRecoveryDetails |
The following are the details necessary to create a cross-tenancy disaster recovery (DR) association for an existing Autonomous Database. |
oci.database.models.CreateDataGuardAssociationDetails |
The configuration details for creating a Data Guard association between databases. |
oci.database.models.CreateDataGuardAssociationToExistingDbSystemDetails |
The configuration details for creating a Data Guard association for a bare metal or Exadata DB system database. |
oci.database.models.CreateDataGuardAssociationToExistingVmClusterDetails |
The configuration details for creating a Data Guard association for a ExaCC Vmcluster database. |
oci.database.models.CreateDataGuardAssociationWithNewDbSystemDetails |
The configuration details for creating a Data Guard association for a virtual machine DB system database. |
oci.database.models.CreateDatabaseBase |
Details for creating a database. |
oci.database.models.CreateDatabaseDetails |
Details for creating a database. |
oci.database.models.CreateDatabaseFromAnotherDatabaseDetails |
CreateDatabaseFromAnotherDatabaseDetails model. |
oci.database.models.CreateDatabaseFromBackup |
Details for creating a database by restoring from a database backup. |
oci.database.models.CreateDatabaseFromBackupDetails |
CreateDatabaseFromBackupDetails model. |
oci.database.models.CreateDatabaseFromDbSystemDetails |
Details for creating a database by restoring from a source database system. |
oci.database.models.CreateDatabaseSoftwareImageDetails |
Parameters for creating a database software image in the specified compartment. |
oci.database.models.CreateDbHomeBase |
Details for creating a Database Home. |
oci.database.models.CreateDbHomeDetails |
Details for creating a Database Home. |
oci.database.models.CreateDbHomeFromBackupDetails |
Details for creating a Database Home if you are creating a database by restoring from a database backup. |
oci.database.models.CreateDbHomeFromDatabaseDetails |
Details for creating a Database Home if you are creating a database by restoring from a database backup. |
oci.database.models.CreateDbHomeFromDbSystemDetails |
Details for creating a Database Home if you are cloning a database from a another database system. |
oci.database.models.CreateDbHomeWithDbSystemIdDetails |
Note that a valid dbSystemId value must be supplied for the CreateDbHomeWithDbSystemId API operation to successfully complete. |
oci.database.models.CreateDbHomeWithDbSystemIdFromBackupDetails |
Note that a valid dbSystemId value must be supplied for the CreateDbHomeWithDbSystemIdFromBackup API operation to successfully complete. |
oci.database.models.CreateDbHomeWithDbSystemIdFromDatabaseDetails |
Note that a valid dbSystemId value must be supplied for the CreateDbHomeWithDbSystemIdFromDatabase API operation to successfully complete. |
oci.database.models.CreateDbHomeWithVmClusterIdDetails |
Note that a valid vmClusterId value must be supplied for the CreateDbHomeWithVmClusterId API operation to successfully complete. |
oci.database.models.CreateDbHomeWithVmClusterIdFromBackupDetails |
Note that a valid vmClusterId value must be supplied for the CreateDbHomeWithVmClusterIdFromBackup API operation to successfully complete. |
oci.database.models.CreateExadataInfrastructureDetails |
Request to create Exadata infrastructure resource. |
oci.database.models.CreateExadbVmClusterDetails |
Details for the create Exadata VM cluster on Exascale Infrastructure operation. |
oci.database.models.CreateExascaleDbStorageVaultDetails |
Details to create a Exadata Database Storage Vault. |
oci.database.models.CreateExecutionActionDetails |
Request to create execution action resource. |
oci.database.models.CreateExecutionWindowDetails |
Request to create an execution window resource under an execution resource. |
oci.database.models.CreateExternalBackupJobDetails |
CreateExternalBackupJobDetails model. |
oci.database.models.CreateExternalContainerDatabaseDetails |
Details for creating an external container database resource. |
oci.database.models.CreateExternalDatabaseConnectorDetails |
Details for creating an external database connector resource. |
oci.database.models.CreateExternalDatabaseDetailsBase |
Details for creating an external database. |
oci.database.models.CreateExternalMacsConnectorDetails |
Details for creating a resource used to connect to an external Oracle Database using the `Management Agent cloud service (MACS)`__. |
oci.database.models.CreateExternalNonContainerDatabaseDetails |
Details for creating an external non-container database resource. |
oci.database.models.CreateExternalPluggableDatabaseDetails |
Details for creating an external pluggable database resource. |
oci.database.models.CreateKeyStoreDetails |
Details for the create key store operation. |
oci.database.models.CreateMaintenanceRunDetails |
Details to schedule Maintenance Run with Latest Release Update along TimeZone File Update for the specified resource. |
oci.database.models.CreateNFSBackupDestinationDetails |
Used for creating NFS backup destinations. |
oci.database.models.CreateNewDatabaseDetails |
Details for creating a new database. |
oci.database.models.CreateOneoffPatchDetails |
Data to create the one-off patch for the specificed database version. |
oci.database.models.CreatePluggableDatabaseCreationTypeDetails |
The Pluggable Database creation type. |
oci.database.models.CreatePluggableDatabaseDetails |
Parameters for creating a pluggable database in a specified container database (CDB). |
oci.database.models.CreatePluggableDatabaseFromLocalCloneDetails |
Specifies the creation type Local Clone. |
oci.database.models.CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRelocateDetails |
Specifies the creation type Relocate. |
oci.database.models.CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails |
Specifies the creation type Remote Clone. |
oci.database.models.CreatePluggableDatabaseRefreshableCloneDetails |
Parameters for creating Pluggable Database Refreshable Clone. |
oci.database.models.CreateRecoveryApplianceBackupDestinationDetails |
Used for creating Recovery Appliance backup destinations. |
oci.database.models.CreateRefreshableAutonomousDatabaseCloneDetails |
Details to create an Oracle Autonomous Database refreshable clone. |
oci.database.models.CreateScheduledActionDetails |
Request to create Scheduled Action resource. |
oci.database.models.CreateSchedulingPlanDetails |
Request to create Scheduling Plan. |
oci.database.models.CreateSchedulingPolicyDetails |
Request to create Scheduling Policy resource with Maintenance windows per cadence. |
oci.database.models.CreateSchedulingWindowDetails |
Request to create Scheduling Window resource. |
oci.database.models.CreateStandByDatabaseDetails |
Details for creating a new standby database. |
oci.database.models.CreateStandbyDetails |
Standby Creation Details. |
oci.database.models.CreateVmClusterDetails |
Details for the create Exadata VM cluster operation. |
oci.database.models.CustomerContact |
Customer contact information that will be used by Oracle to provide notifications needed by database and infrastructure administrators. |
oci.database.models.DataCollectionOptions |
Indicates user preferences for the various diagnostic collection options for the VM cluster/Cloud VM cluster/VMBM DBCS. |
oci.database.models.DataGuardAssociation |
DataGuardAssociation model. |
oci.database.models.DataGuardAssociationSummary |
The properties that define a Data Guard association. |
oci.database.models.DataGuardGroup |
Details of Data Guard setup that the given database is part of. |
oci.database.models.DataGuardGroupMember |
The member of a Data Guard group. |
oci.database.models.Database |
Database model. |
oci.database.models.DatabaseConnectionCredentials |
Credentials used to connect to the database. |
oci.database.models.DatabaseConnectionCredentialsByDetails |
User information to connect to the database. |
oci.database.models.DatabaseConnectionCredentialsByName |
Existing named credential used to connect to the database. |
oci.database.models.DatabaseConnectionString |
The Oracle Database connection string. |
oci.database.models.DatabaseConnectionStringProfile |
The connection string profile to allow clients to group, filter and select connection string values based on structured metadata. |
oci.database.models.DatabaseConnectionStrings |
Connection strings to connect to an Oracle Database. |
oci.database.models.DatabaseCredentialDetails |
Data for the credential used to connect to the database. |
oci.database.models.DatabaseManagementConfig |
The configuration of the Database Management service. |
oci.database.models.DatabaseSoftwareImage |
Database software images are created by specifying a patch set, one-off patches and patches for the database home (listed by ls inventory). |
oci.database.models.DatabaseSoftwareImageSummary |
The Database service supports the creation of database software images for use in creating and patching DB systems and databases. |
oci.database.models.DatabaseSslConnectionCredentials |
Ssl connection credential details used to connect to the database. |
oci.database.models.DatabaseSummary |
An Oracle Database on a bare metal or virtual machine DB system. |
oci.database.models.DatabaseTool |
Summary of database tools of autonomous database. |
oci.database.models.DatabaseUpgradeHistoryEntry |
The Database service supports the upgrade history of databases. |
oci.database.models.DatabaseUpgradeHistoryEntrySummary |
The Database service supports the upgrade history of databases. |
oci.database.models.DatabaseUpgradeSourceBase |
Details for the database upgrade source. |
oci.database.models.DatabaseUpgradeWithDatabaseSoftwareImageDetails |
Details of the database software image to be used to upgrade a database. |
oci.database.models.DatabaseUpgradeWithDbHomeDetails |
Details of Database Home to be used to upgrade a database. |
oci.database.models.DatabaseUpgradeWithDbVersionDetails |
Details of the Oracle Database software version number for upgrading a database. |
oci.database.models.DayOfWeek |
Day of the week. |
oci.database.models.DbBackupConfig |
Backup Options To use any of the API operations, you must be authorized in an IAM policy. |
oci.database.models.DbHome |
DbHome model. |
oci.database.models.DbHomeFromAgentResourceId |
DbHomeFromAgentResourceId model. |
oci.database.models.DbHomeSummary |
A directory where Oracle Database software is installed. |
oci.database.models.DbIormConfig |
The IORM configuration settings for the database. |
oci.database.models.DbIormConfigUpdateDetail |
Details of the IORM configuration settings update request. |
oci.database.models.DbNode |
DbNode model. |
oci.database.models.DbNodeDetails |
Details of the ExaCS Db node. |
oci.database.models.DbNodeSummary |
A server where Oracle Database software is running. |
oci.database.models.DbServer |
Details of the Db server resource. |
oci.database.models.DbServerDetails |
Details of the Exacc Db server. |
oci.database.models.DbServerHistorySummary |
Details of a database server maintenance history. |
oci.database.models.DbServerPatchingDetails |
The scheduling details for the quarterly maintenance window. |
oci.database.models.DbServerSummary |
Details of the Db server. |
oci.database.models.DbSystem |
DbSystem model. |
oci.database.models.DbSystemComputePerformanceSummary |
Representation of disk performance detail parameters. |
oci.database.models.DbSystemOptions |
The DB system options. |
oci.database.models.DbSystemShapeSummary |
The shape of the DB system. |
oci.database.models.DbSystemStoragePerformanceSummary |
Representation of storage performance summary per shapeType . |
oci.database.models.DbSystemSummary |
The Database Service supports several types of DB systems, ranging in size, price, and performance. |
oci.database.models.DbSystemUpgradeHistoryEntry |
The record of an OS upgrade action on a DB system. |
oci.database.models.DbSystemUpgradeHistoryEntrySummary |
The summary for the record of an OS upgrade action on a DB system. |
oci.database.models.DbVersionSummary |
The Oracle Database software version. |
oci.database.models.DefinedFileSystemConfiguration |
Details of the file system configuration of the Exadata infrastructure. |
oci.database.models.DeregisterAutonomousDatabaseDataSafeDetails |
Details to deregister an Autonomous Database with Data Safe. |
oci.database.models.DisasterRecoveryConfiguration |
Configurations of a Disaster Recovery. |
oci.database.models.DiskPerformanceDetails |
Representation of disk performance detail parameters. |
oci.database.models.DownloadOneoffPatch |
Data to download one-off patch. |
oci.database.models.DrScanDetails |
The Single Client Access Name (SCAN) details for Disaster recovery network. |
oci.database.models.EditAutonomousContainerDatabaseDataguardDetails |
The configuration details for updating a Autonomous Container DatabaseData Guard for a Autonomous Container Database. |
oci.database.models.EnableDatabaseManagementDetails |
Data to enable the Database Management service for the database. |
oci.database.models.EnableExternalContainerDatabaseDatabaseManagementDetails |
Details to enable Database Management on an external container database. |
oci.database.models.EnableExternalContainerDatabaseStackMonitoringDetails |
Details to enable Stack Monitoring on the external container database. |
oci.database.models.EnableExternalDatabaseManagementDetailsBase |
Details to enable Database Management on an external database. |
oci.database.models.EnableExternalDatabaseOperationsInsightsDetailsBase |
Details to enable Operations Insights on the external database. |
oci.database.models.EnableExternalDatabaseStackMonitoringDetailsBase |
Details to enable Stack Monitoring on the external database. |
oci.database.models.EnableExternalNonContainerDatabaseDatabaseManagementDetails |
Details to enable Database Management on an external non-container database. |
oci.database.models.EnableExternalNonContainerDatabaseOperationsInsightsDetails |
Details to enable Operations Insights on the external non-container database |
oci.database.models.EnableExternalNonContainerDatabaseStackMonitoringDetails |
Details to enable Stack Monitoring on the external non-container database. |
oci.database.models.EnableExternalPluggableDatabaseDatabaseManagementDetails |
Details to enable Database Management on an external pluggable database. |
oci.database.models.EnableExternalPluggableDatabaseOperationsInsightsDetails |
Details to enable Operations Insights on the external pluggable database |
oci.database.models.EnableExternalPluggableDatabaseStackMonitoringDetails |
Details to enable Stack Monitoring on the external pluggable database. |
oci.database.models.EnablePluggableDatabaseManagementDetails |
Data to enable the Database Management service for the pluggable database. |
oci.database.models.EncryptionKeyLocationDetails |
Types of providers supported for managing database encryption keys |
oci.database.models.EstimatedPatchingTime |
The estimated total time required in minutes for all patching operations (database server, storage server, and network switch patching). |
oci.database.models.ExadataDbSystemMigration |
Information about the Exadata DB system migration. |
oci.database.models.ExadataDbSystemMigrationSummary |
Information about the Exadata DB system migration. |
oci.database.models.ExadataInfrastructure |
oci.database.models.ExadataInfrastructureContact |
Contact details for Exadata Infrastructure. |
oci.database.models.ExadataInfrastructureSummary |
Details of the Exadata Cloud@Customer infrastructure. |
oci.database.models.ExadataInfrastructureUnAllocatedResources |
Un allocated resources details of the Exadata Cloud@Customer infrastructure. |
oci.database.models.ExadataIormConfig |
The IORM settings of the Exadata DB system. |
oci.database.models.ExadataIormConfigUpdateDetails |
IORM Setting details for this Exadata System to be updated |
oci.database.models.ExadbVmCluster |
Details of the Exadata VM cluster on Exascale Infrastructure. |
oci.database.models.ExadbVmClusterStorageDetails |
Storage Details on the Exadata VM cluster. |
oci.database.models.ExadbVmClusterSummary |
Details of the Exadata VM cluster on Exascale Infrastructure. |
oci.database.models.ExadbVmClusterUpdate |
A maintenance update details for an Exadata VM cluster on Exascale Infrastructure. |
oci.database.models.ExadbVmClusterUpdateHistoryEntry |
The record of an maintenance update action on a specified Exadata VM cluster on Exascale Infrastructure. |
oci.database.models.ExadbVmClusterUpdateHistoryEntrySummary |
The record of an maintenance update action on a specified Exadata VM cluster on Exascale Infrastructure. |
oci.database.models.ExadbVmClusterUpdateSummary |
A maintenance update details for an Exadata VM cluster on Exascale Infrastructure. |
oci.database.models.ExascaleConfigDetails |
The exascale config response details for the Exadata Cloud@Customer infrastructure or cloud Exadata infrastructure . |
oci.database.models.ExascaleDbStorageDetails |
Exadata Database Storage Details |
oci.database.models.ExascaleDbStorageInputDetails |
Create exadata Database Storage Details |
oci.database.models.ExascaleDbStorageVault |
Details of the Exadata Database Storage Vault. |
oci.database.models.ExascaleDbStorageVaultSummary |
Details of the Exadata Database Storage Vault. |
oci.database.models.ExecutionAction |
Details of an execution action. |
oci.database.models.ExecutionActionMember |
The action member details. |
oci.database.models.ExecutionActionSummary |
Details of an execution action. |
oci.database.models.ExecutionWindow |
Details of an execution window. |
oci.database.models.ExecutionWindowSummary |
Details of an execution window. |
oci.database.models.ExternalBackupJob |
Provides all the details that apply to an external backup job. |
oci.database.models.ExternalContainerDatabase |
An Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resource that allows you to manage an external container database. |
oci.database.models.ExternalContainerDatabaseSummary |
An Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resource that allows you to manage an external Oracle container database. |
oci.database.models.ExternalDatabaseBase |
A resource that allows you to manage an Oracle Database located outside of Oracle Cloud using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure’s Console and APIs. |
oci.database.models.ExternalDatabaseConnector |
An Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resource used to connect to an external Oracle Database. |
oci.database.models.ExternalDatabaseConnectorSummary |
An Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resource used to connect to an external Oracle Database. |
oci.database.models.ExternalHsmEncryptionDetails |
Details for External HSM Input |
oci.database.models.ExternalMacsConnector |
An Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resource that uses the `Management Agent cloud service (MACS)`__ to connect to an external Oracle Database. |
oci.database.models.ExternalMacsConnectorSummary |
An Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resource that uses the `Management Agent cloud service (MACS)`__ to connect to an external Oracle Database. |
oci.database.models.ExternalNonContainerDatabase |
an external Oracle non-container database. |
oci.database.models.ExternalNonContainerDatabaseSummary |
An Oracle Cloud Infrastructure external non-container database resource. |
oci.database.models.ExternalPluggableDatabase |
an external Oracle pluggable database. |
oci.database.models.ExternalPluggableDatabaseSummary |
An Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resource that allows you to manage an external pluggable database. |
oci.database.models.FailoverDataGuardAssociationDetails |
The Data Guard association failover parameters. |
oci.database.models.FailoverDataGuardDetails |
The Data Guard failover parameters. |
oci.database.models.FileSystemConfigurationDetail |
Details of the file system configuration of the VM cluster. |
oci.database.models.FlexComponentCollection |
Results of a FlexComponent lists. |
oci.database.models.FlexComponentSummary |
The Flex Components for a DB system. |
oci.database.models.GenerateAutonomousDatabaseWalletDetails |
Details to create and download an Oracle Autonomous Database wallet. |
oci.database.models.GenerateRecommendedNetworkDetails |
Generates a recommended VM cluster network configuration for an Exadata Cloud@Customer system. |
oci.database.models.GiMinorVersionSummary |
The Oracle Grid Infrastructure (GI) minor version. |
oci.database.models.GiVersionSummary |
The Oracle Grid Infrastructure (GI) version. |
oci.database.models.GranularMaintenanceHistoryDetails |
Details of a granular maintenance history. |
oci.database.models.InfoForNetworkGenDetails |
Parameters for generation of the client or backup network in a VM cluster network in an Exadata Cloud@Customer system. |
oci.database.models.InfrastructureTargetVersion |
Infrastructure target version details. |
oci.database.models.InfrastructureTargetVersionSummary |
The target Exadata Infrastructure system software version for an infrastructure resource. |
oci.database.models.KeyStore |
A key store to connect to an on-premise encryption key appliance like Oracle Key Vault. |
oci.database.models.KeyStoreAssociatedDatabaseDetails |
The databases associated with a key store |
oci.database.models.KeyStoreSummary |
Details of the Key Store. |
oci.database.models.KeyStoreTypeDetails |
Key store type details. |
oci.database.models.KeyStoreTypeFromOracleKeyVaultDetails |
Details for Oracle Key Vault |
oci.database.models.LaunchAutonomousExadataInfrastructureDetails |
Describes the input parameters to launch a new Autonomous Exadata Infrastructure. |
oci.database.models.LaunchDbSystemBase |
Parameters for provisioning a bare metal, virtual machine, or Exadata DB system. |
oci.database.models.LaunchDbSystemDetails |
Used for creating a new DB system. |
oci.database.models.LaunchDbSystemFromBackupDetails |
Used for creating a new DB system from a database backup. |
oci.database.models.LaunchDbSystemFromDatabaseDetails |
Used for creating a new DB system from a database, including archived redo log data. |
oci.database.models.LaunchDbSystemFromDbSystemDetails |
Used for creating a new database system by cloning an existing DB system. |
oci.database.models.LocalClonePluggableDatabaseDetails |
Deprecated. Use create_pluggable_database_details() for Pluggable Database LocalClone Operation. |
oci.database.models.LongTermBackUpScheduleDetails |
Details for the long-term backup schedule. |
oci.database.models.MaintenanceRun |
Details of a maintenance run. |
oci.database.models.MaintenanceRunHistory |
Details of a maintenance run history. |
oci.database.models.MaintenanceRunHistorySummary |
Details of a maintenance run history. |
oci.database.models.MaintenanceRunSummary |
Details of a maintenance run. |
oci.database.models.MaintenanceWindow |
The scheduling details for the quarterly maintenance window. |
oci.database.models.MigrateVaultKeyDetails |
Details for replacing existing Oracle-managed keys with customer-managed `Vault service`__ keys and vice-versa is not supported. |
oci.database.models.ModifyDatabaseManagementDetails |
Data to update one or more attributes of the Database Management configuration for the database. |
oci.database.models.ModifyPluggableDatabaseManagementDetails |
Data to update one or more attributes of the Database Management configuration for the pluggable database. |
oci.database.models.Month |
Month of the year. |
oci.database.models.MountTypeDetails |
Mount type details for backup destination. |
oci.database.models.MoveExecutionActionMemberDetails |
Request to move an execution action member to an execution action resource from another. |
oci.database.models.NetworkBondingModeDetails |
Details of bonding mode for Client and Backup and DR networks of an Exadata infrastructure. |
oci.database.models.NodeDetails |
Node details associated with a network. |
oci.database.models.OCPUs |
The details of the available and consumed CPU cores of the Autonomous Exadata Infrastructure instance, including consumption by database workload type. |
oci.database.models.OciKeyDetails |
Details for OCI encryption key. |
oci.database.models.OciProviderSetKeyVersionDetails |
Used for setting KMS key versions |
oci.database.models.OkvKeyDetails |
Details for OKV encryption key. |
oci.database.models.OneoffPatch |
One-off patches are created by specifying a database version, releaseUpdate and one-off patch number. |
oci.database.models.OneoffPatchSummary |
An Oracle one-off patch for a specified database version. |
oci.database.models.OperationsInsightsConfig |
The configuration of Operations Insights for the external database |
oci.database.models.OracleManagedKeyDetails |
Details for Oracle-managed encryption key. |
oci.database.models.Patch |
Patch model. |
oci.database.models.PatchDetails |
The details about what actions to perform and using what patch to the specified target. |
oci.database.models.PatchHistoryEntry |
PatchHistoryEntry model. |
oci.database.models.PatchHistoryEntrySummary |
The record of a patch action on a specified target. |
oci.database.models.PatchSummary |
A Patch for a DB system or DB Home. |
oci.database.models.PdbConversionHistoryEntry |
Details of operations performed to convert a non-container database to pluggable database. |
oci.database.models.PdbConversionHistoryEntrySummary |
Details of operations performed to convert a non-container database to pluggable database. |
oci.database.models.PdbConversionToNewDatabaseDetails |
Details of the new container database in which the converted pluggable database will be located. |
oci.database.models.PeerAutonomousContainerDatabaseBackupConfig |
Backup options for the standby Autonomous Container Database. |
oci.database.models.PluggableDatabase |
A pluggable database (PDB) is portable collection of schemas, schema objects, and non-schema objects that appears to an Oracle client as a non-container database. |
oci.database.models.PluggableDatabaseConnectionStrings |
Connection strings to connect to an Oracle Pluggable Database. |
oci.database.models.PluggableDatabaseManagementConfig |
The configuration of the Pluggable Database Management service. |
oci.database.models.PluggableDatabaseNodeLevelDetails |
Pluggable Database Node Level Details. |
oci.database.models.PluggableDatabaseRefreshableCloneConfig |
Pluggable Database Refreshable Clone Configuration. |
oci.database.models.PluggableDatabaseSummary |
A pluggable database (PDB) is portable collection of schemas, schema objects, and non-schema objects that appears to an Oracle client as a non-container database. |
oci.database.models.RecommendedScheduledActionSummary |
Details of the scheduled action that is used in getRecommendedScheduledActions. |
oci.database.models.RecommendedScheduledActionsCollection |
A list of scheduled actions. |
oci.database.models.RecoveryApplianceDetails |
Information about the recovery appliance configuration associated with the Autonomous Container Database. |
oci.database.models.RefreshableCloneCollection |
A list of Autonomous Database RefreshableClone containing RefreshableCloneSummary items. |
oci.database.models.RefreshableCloneSummary |
An Autonomous Database refreshable clone |
oci.database.models.RegisterAutonomousDatabaseDataSafeDetails |
Details for registering an Autonomous Database with Data Safe. |
oci.database.models.ReinstateDataGuardAssociationDetails |
The Data Guard association reinstate parameters. |
oci.database.models.ReinstateDataGuardDetails |
The Data Guard reinstate parameters. |
oci.database.models.RemoteClonePluggableDatabaseDetails |
Deprecated. Use create_pluggable_database_details() for Pluggable Database RemoteClone Operation. |
oci.database.models.RemoveVirtualMachineFromCloudVmClusterDetails |
Details of removing Virtual Machines from the Cloud VM Cluster. |
oci.database.models.RemoveVirtualMachineFromExadbVmClusterDetails |
Details of removing Virtual Machines from the Exadata VM cluster on Exascale Infrastructure. |
oci.database.models.RemoveVirtualMachineFromVmClusterDetails |
Details of removing Virtual Machines from the VM Cluster. |
oci.database.models.ReorderExecutionActionDetails |
Describes the ordering list of execution actions for the execution window. |
oci.database.models.ReorderScheduledActionsDetails |
Describes the re-order parameters for the Scheduled Action resources. |
oci.database.models.ResizeVmClusterNetworkDetails |
Details of Db server network nodes to extend or shrink the VM cluster network. |
oci.database.models.ResourcePoolShapeCollection |
Results of an Autonomous Database resouce pool shape collection that contains ResourcePoolShapeSummary items. |
oci.database.models.ResourcePoolShapeSummary |
An Autonomous Database Resource Pool. |
oci.database.models.ResourcePoolSummary |
The configuration details for resource pool |
oci.database.models.RestoreAutonomousDatabaseDetails |
Details to restore an Oracle Autonomous Database. |
oci.database.models.RestoreDatabaseDetails |
RestoreDatabaseDetails model. |
oci.database.models.RotateAutonomousContainerDatabaseEncryptionKeyDetails |
Key details provided by the user for rotate key operation for Autonomous Database. |
oci.database.models.RotateAutonomousDatabaseEncryptionKeyDetails |
Key details provided by the user for rotate key operation for Autonomous Database. |
oci.database.models.RotateAutonomousVmClusterOrdsCertsDetails |
The details for configuring the SSL certificates on Autonomous VM Cluster |
oci.database.models.RotateAutonomousVmClusterSslCertsDetails |
Details for configuring the ORDS certificates on Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster |
oci.database.models.RotateCloudAutonomousVmClusterOrdsCertsDetails |
The details for configuring the ORDS certificates on Cloud Autonomous VM Cluster |
oci.database.models.RotateCloudAutonomousVmClusterSslCertsDetails |
The details for configuring the SSL certificates on Cloud Autonomous VM Cluster |
oci.database.models.SaasAdminUserConfiguration |
SaaS administrative user configuration. |
oci.database.models.SaasAdminUserStatus |
SaaS administrative user status. |
oci.database.models.ScanDetails |
The Single Client Access Name (SCAN) details. |
oci.database.models.ScheduledAction |
Details of a Scheduled Action. |
oci.database.models.ScheduledActionCollection |
Results of Scheduled Action resources lists. |
oci.database.models.ScheduledActionSummary |
Details of a scheduled action. |
oci.database.models.ScheduledOperationDetails |
Details of scheduled operation. |
oci.database.models.SchedulingPlan |
Details of a Scheduling Plan. |
oci.database.models.SchedulingPlanCollection |
Results of Scheduling Plan resources lists. |
oci.database.models.SchedulingPlanSummary |
Details of a Scheduling Plan. |
oci.database.models.SchedulingPolicy |
Details of a Scheduling Policy. |
oci.database.models.SchedulingPolicySummary |
Details of a Scheduling Policy. |
oci.database.models.SchedulingWindow |
Details of a Scheduling Window. |
oci.database.models.SchedulingWindowSummary |
Details of a Scheduling Window. |
oci.database.models.SelfMountDetails |
Used for creating NFS Self mount backup destinations for non-autonomous ExaCC. |
oci.database.models.SetKeyVersionDetails |
Updating the database key version |
oci.database.models.StackMonitoringConfig |
The configuration of Stack Monitoring for the external database. |
oci.database.models.StoragePerformanceDetails |
Representation of storage performance detail parameters. |
oci.database.models.SwitchOverDataGuardDetails |
The Data Guard switchover parameters. |
oci.database.models.SwitchoverDataGuardAssociationDetails |
The Data Guard association switchover parameters. |
oci.database.models.SystemVersionCollection |
Results of the System version lists. |
oci.database.models.SystemVersionSummary |
List of compatible Exadata system versions for a given shape and GI version. |
oci.database.models.UndeleteAutonomousDatabaseDetails |
Details to undelete an Oracle Autonomous Database. |
oci.database.models.Update |
Update model. |
oci.database.models.UpdateAutonomousContainerDatabaseDataGuardAssociationDetails |
The configuration details for updating a Autonomous Container DatabaseData Guard association for a Autonomous Container Database. |
oci.database.models.UpdateAutonomousContainerDatabaseDetails |
Describes the modification parameters for the Autonomous Container Database. |
oci.database.models.UpdateAutonomousDatabaseBackupDetails |
Details for updating the Autonomous Database backup. |
oci.database.models.UpdateAutonomousDatabaseDetails |
Details to update an Oracle Autonomous Database. |
oci.database.models.UpdateAutonomousDatabaseSoftwareImageDetails |
Describes the parameters for updating the Autonomous Database Software Image |
oci.database.models.UpdateAutonomousDatabaseWalletDetails |
Details to update an Autonomous Database wallet. |
oci.database.models.UpdateAutonomousExadataInfrastructureDetails |
Describes the modification parameters for the Autonomous Exadata Infrastructure. |
oci.database.models.UpdateAutonomousVmClusterDetails |
Details for updating the Autonomous VM cluster. |
oci.database.models.UpdateBackupDestinationDetails |
For a RECOVERY_APPLIANCE backup destination, used to update the connection string and/or the list of VPC users. |
oci.database.models.UpdateBackupDetails |
Describes the parameters for updating the backup details. |
oci.database.models.UpdateCloudAutonomousVmClusterDetails |
Details for updating the cloud Autonomous VM cluster. |
oci.database.models.UpdateCloudExadataInfrastructureDetails |
Updates the cloud Exadata infrastructure. |
oci.database.models.UpdateCloudVmClusterDetails |
Details for updating the cloud VM cluster. |
oci.database.models.UpdateConsoleConnectionDetails |
The details for updating a Db node console connection. |
oci.database.models.UpdateConsoleHistoryDetails |
The details for updating a Db node console history. |
oci.database.models.UpdateDataGuardAssociationDetails |
The configuration details for updating a Data Guard association for a database. |
oci.database.models.UpdateDataGuardDetails |
The properties for updating a standby database. |
oci.database.models.UpdateDatabaseDetails |
Details to update a database. |
oci.database.models.UpdateDatabaseSoftwareImageDetails |
Describes the parameters for updating the Database Software Image |
oci.database.models.UpdateDbHomeDetails |
Describes the modification parameters for the Database Home. |
oci.database.models.UpdateDbNodeDetails |
The details for updating a Db node. |
oci.database.models.UpdateDbSystemDetails |
Describes the parameters for updating the DB system. |
oci.database.models.UpdateDetails |
Details specifying which maintenance update to apply to the cloud VM cluster and which actions are to be performed by the maintenance update. |
oci.database.models.UpdateExadataInfrastructureDetails |
Updates the Exadata infrastructure. |
oci.database.models.UpdateExadbVmClusterDetails |
Details for updating the Exadata VM cluster on Exascale Infrastructure. |
oci.database.models.UpdateExascaleDbStorageVaultDetails |
Details for updating the Exadata Database Storage Vault. |
oci.database.models.UpdateExecutionActionDetails |
Describes the modification parameters for the execution action. |
oci.database.models.UpdateExecutionWindowDetails |
Describes the modification parameters for the execution window. |
oci.database.models.UpdateExternalContainerDatabaseDetails |
Details for updating an external container database. |
oci.database.models.UpdateExternalDatabaseConnectorDetails |
Details for updating an external database connector. |
oci.database.models.UpdateExternalDatabaseDetailsBase |
Details for updating an external database. |
oci.database.models.UpdateExternalMacsConnectorDetails |
Details for updating an external `Management Agent cloud service (MACS)`__ database connection. |
oci.database.models.UpdateExternalNonContainerDatabaseDetails |
Details for updating an external non-container database. |
oci.database.models.UpdateExternalPluggableDatabaseDetails |
Details for updating an external pluggable database. |
oci.database.models.UpdateHistoryEntry |
UpdateHistoryEntry model. |
oci.database.models.UpdateHistoryEntrySummary |
The record of an maintenance update action on a specified cloud VM cluster. |
oci.database.models.UpdateKeyStoreDetails |
Details for updating the key store. |
oci.database.models.UpdateMaintenanceRunDetails |
Describes the modification parameters for the maintenance run. |
oci.database.models.UpdateOneoffPatchDetails |
Data to update the one-off patch. |
oci.database.models.UpdatePluggableDatabaseDetails |
Details for updating a pluggable database (PDB). |
oci.database.models.UpdateScheduledActionDetails |
Describes the modification parameters for the Scheduled Action. |
oci.database.models.UpdateSchedulingPolicyDetails |
Describes the modification parameters for the Scheduling Policy. |
oci.database.models.UpdateSchedulingWindowDetails |
Describes the modification parameters for the Scheduling Window. |
oci.database.models.UpdateSummary |
A maintenance update for a cloud VM cluster. |
oci.database.models.UpdateVmClusterDetails |
Details for updating the VM cluster. |
oci.database.models.UpdateVmClusterNetworkDetails |
Details for an Exadata VM cluster network. |
oci.database.models.UpgradeDatabaseDetails |
Details for upgrading a database to a specific Oracle Database version. |
oci.database.models.UpgradeDbSystemDetails |
Details for upgrading the operating system and Oracle Grid Infrastructure (GI) of a DB system. |
oci.database.models.VmCluster |
Details of the VM cluster resource. |
oci.database.models.VmClusterNetwork |
The VM cluster network. |
oci.database.models.VmClusterNetworkDetails |
Details for an Exadata VM cluster network. |
oci.database.models.VmClusterNetworkSummary |
Details of the VM cluster network. |
oci.database.models.VmClusterSummary |
Details of the Exadata Cloud@Customer VM cluster. |
oci.database.models.VmClusterUpdate |
A maintenance update for a VM cluster. |
oci.database.models.VmClusterUpdateDetails |
Details specifying which maintenance update to apply to the VM Cluster and which action is to be performed by the maintenance update. |
oci.database.models.VmClusterUpdateHistoryEntry |
The record of a maintenance update action performed on a specified VM cluster. |
oci.database.models.VmClusterUpdateHistoryEntrySummary |
The record of a maintenance update action performed on a specified VM cluster. |
oci.database.models.VmClusterUpdateSummary |
A maintenance update for a VM cluster. |
oci.database.models.VmNetworkDetails |
Details of the client or backup networks in an Exadata VM cluster network. |
oci.database.models.WindowPreferenceDetail |
The Single Scheduling Window details. |
oci.database.models.WorkloadType |
The number of consumed OCPUs, by database workload type. |