oci.file_storage.models.ChangeFileSystemCompartmentDetails |
Details for changing the compartment. |
oci.file_storage.models.ChangeFilesystemSnapshotPolicyCompartmentDetails |
Details for changing the compartment of a file system snapshot policy. |
oci.file_storage.models.ChangeMountTargetCompartmentDetails |
Details for changing the compartment. |
oci.file_storage.models.ChangeOutboundConnectorCompartmentDetails |
Details for changing the compartment of the outbound connector. |
oci.file_storage.models.ChangeReplicationCompartmentDetails |
Details for changing the compartment of both replication and replication target. |
oci.file_storage.models.ClientOptions |
NFS export options applied to a specified set of clients. |
oci.file_storage.models.CreateExportDetails |
Details for creating the export. |
oci.file_storage.models.CreateFileSystemDetails |
Details for creating the file system. |
oci.file_storage.models.CreateFilesystemSnapshotPolicyDetails |
Details for creating the file system snapshot policy. |
oci.file_storage.models.CreateKerberosDetails |
Kerberos details needed to create configuration. |
oci.file_storage.models.CreateLdapBindAccountDetails |
Account details for the LDAP bind account to be used by mount targets that use this outbound connector. |
oci.file_storage.models.CreateLdapIdmapDetails |
Mount target details about the LDAP ID mapping configuration. |
oci.file_storage.models.CreateMountTargetDetails |
Details for creating the mount target. |
oci.file_storage.models.CreateOutboundConnectorDetails |
Details for creating the outbound connector. |
oci.file_storage.models.CreateQuotaRuleDetails |
Details for creating a quota rule in the file system. |
oci.file_storage.models.CreateReplicationDetails |
Details for creating the replication and replication target. |
oci.file_storage.models.CreateSnapshotDetails |
Details for creating the snapshot. |
oci.file_storage.models.Endpoint |
Combination of DNS server name and port. |
oci.file_storage.models.Export |
A file system and the path that you can use to mount it. |
oci.file_storage.models.ExportSet |
A set of file systems to export through one or more mount targets. |
oci.file_storage.models.ExportSetSummary |
Summary information for an export set. |
oci.file_storage.models.ExportSummary |
Summary information for an export. |
oci.file_storage.models.FileSystem |
An NFS file system. |
oci.file_storage.models.FileSystemSummary |
Summary information for a file system. |
oci.file_storage.models.FilesystemSnapshotPolicy |
A file system snapshot policy is used to automate snapshot creation and deletion. |
oci.file_storage.models.FilesystemSnapshotPolicySummary |
Summary information for a file system snapshot policy. |
oci.file_storage.models.Kerberos |
Allows administrator to configure a mount target to interact with the administrator’s Kerberos infrastructure. |
oci.file_storage.models.KerberosKeytabEntry |
Details of each keytab entry read from the keytab file. |
oci.file_storage.models.KeyTabSecretDetails |
Secret details of keytabs in Vault. |
oci.file_storage.models.LdapBindAccount |
Account details for the LDAP bind account used by the outbound connector. |
oci.file_storage.models.LdapBindAccountSummary |
Summary information for the LDAP bind account used by the outbound connector. |
oci.file_storage.models.LdapIdmap |
Mount target details about the LDAP ID mapping configuration. |
oci.file_storage.models.MountTarget |
Provides access to a collection of file systems through one or more VNICs on a specified subnet. |
oci.file_storage.models.MountTargetSummary |
Summary information for the specified mount target. |
oci.file_storage.models.OutboundConnector |
Outbound connectors are used to help File Storage communicate with an external server, such as an LDAP server. |
oci.file_storage.models.OutboundConnectorSummary |
Summary information for an outbound connector. |
oci.file_storage.models.QuotaRule |
A rule that can restrict the logical space that a user or group can consume in a file system. |
oci.file_storage.models.QuotaRuleSummary |
Summary information for a principal’s usage and quota rule. |
oci.file_storage.models.Replication |
Replications are the primary resource that governs the policy of cross-region replication between source and target file systems. |
oci.file_storage.models.ReplicationEstimate |
Details for response from replication estimation. |
oci.file_storage.models.ReplicationSummary |
Summary information for a replication. |
oci.file_storage.models.ReplicationTarget |
Replication targets are associated with a primary resource called a Replication located in another availability domain in the same or different region. |
oci.file_storage.models.ReplicationTargetSummary |
Summary information for replication target. |
oci.file_storage.models.ResourceLock |
Resource locks are used to prevent certain APIs from being called for the resource. |
oci.file_storage.models.ScheduleDowngradeShapeMountTargetDetails |
Shape details about the Mount Target. |
oci.file_storage.models.Snapshot |
A point-in-time snapshot of a specified file system. |
oci.file_storage.models.SnapshotSchedule |
The snapshot schedule is a structure within a parent file system snapshot policy. |
oci.file_storage.models.SnapshotSummary |
Summary information for a snapshot. |
oci.file_storage.models.SourceDetails |
Source information for the file system. |
oci.file_storage.models.ToggleQuotaRulesDetails |
Details for enabling or disabling quota enforcement in the file system. |
oci.file_storage.models.UpdateExportDetails |
Details for updating the export. |
oci.file_storage.models.UpdateExportSetDetails |
Details for updating the export set. |
oci.file_storage.models.UpdateFileSystemDetails |
Details for updating the file system. |
oci.file_storage.models.UpdateFilesystemSnapshotPolicyDetails |
Details for updating the file system snapshot policy. |
oci.file_storage.models.UpdateKerberosDetails |
Kerberos details needed to update configuration. |
oci.file_storage.models.UpdateLdapIdmapDetails |
Mount target details about the LDAP ID mapping configuration. |
oci.file_storage.models.UpdateMountTargetDetails |
Details for updating the mount target. |
oci.file_storage.models.UpdateOutboundConnectorDetails |
Details for updating the outbound connector. |
oci.file_storage.models.UpdateQuotaRuleDetails |
Details for updating a quota rule in the file system. |
oci.file_storage.models.UpdateReplicationDetails |
Details for updating the replication and replication target. |
oci.file_storage.models.UpdateSnapshotDetails |
Details for updating the snapshot. |
oci.file_storage.models.UpgradeShapeMountTargetDetails |
Shape details about the Mount Target. |
oci.file_storage.models.ValidateKeyTabsDetails |
Validate keytabs request details. |
oci.file_storage.models.ValidateKeyTabsResponseDetails |
Validate keytabs response details. |