oci.psql.models.Backup |
Database system backup information. |
oci.psql.models.BackupCollection |
Results of a backup search. |
oci.psql.models.BackupCopyDetails |
Backup Copy details |
oci.psql.models.BackupCopyPolicy |
Backup copy details |
oci.psql.models.BackupCopyStatusDetails |
Backup Copy Status details |
oci.psql.models.BackupPolicy |
PostgreSQL database system backup policy. |
oci.psql.models.BackupSourceDetails |
Restoring to a new database system from the backup. |
oci.psql.models.BackupSummary |
Summary information for a backup. |
oci.psql.models.ChangeBackupCompartmentDetails |
The information used to move a backup to a different compartment. |
oci.psql.models.ChangeConfigurationCompartmentDetails |
The information to move a configuration to a different compartment. |
oci.psql.models.ChangeDbSystemCompartmentDetails |
Change database system compartment operation details. |
oci.psql.models.ConfigOverrides |
Configuration overrides for a PostgreSQL instance. |
oci.psql.models.ConfigParams |
Database configuration. |
oci.psql.models.Configuration |
PostgreSQL configuration for a database system. |
oci.psql.models.ConfigurationCollection |
Results of a configuration search. |
oci.psql.models.ConfigurationDetails |
List of configuration details. |
oci.psql.models.ConfigurationSummary |
Summary of the configuration. |
oci.psql.models.ConnectionDetails |
Database system connection information. |
oci.psql.models.CreateBackupDetails |
The information to create a new backup. |
oci.psql.models.CreateConfigurationDetails |
The information to create a new configuration. |
oci.psql.models.CreateDbInstanceDetails |
Information about the new database instance node. |
oci.psql.models.CreateDbSystemDetails |
The information about new database system. |
oci.psql.models.Credentials |
Initial database system credentials that the database system will be provisioned with. |
oci.psql.models.DailyBackupPolicy |
Daily backup policy. |
oci.psql.models.DbConfigurationOverrideCollection |
Configuration overrides for a PostgreSQL instance. |
oci.psql.models.DbInstance |
Information about a database instance node. |
oci.psql.models.DbInstanceEndpoint |
The database instance node endpoint information. |
oci.psql.models.DbSystem |
Information about a database system. |
oci.psql.models.DbSystemCollection |
Results of a database system search. |
oci.psql.models.DbSystemDetails |
Information about the database system associated with a backup. |
oci.psql.models.DbSystemSummary |
Summary information about a database system. |
oci.psql.models.DefaultConfigParams |
Default database configuration. |
oci.psql.models.DefaultConfiguration |
Default configurations for PostgreSQL database systems. |
oci.psql.models.DefaultConfigurationCollection |
Results of a configuration search. |
oci.psql.models.DefaultConfigurationDetails |
List of default configuration values for databases. |
oci.psql.models.DefaultConfigurationSummary |
Summary of the configuration. |
oci.psql.models.Endpoint |
Information about the database instance node endpoint. |
oci.psql.models.FailoverDbSystemDetails |
Database system failover information. |
oci.psql.models.ManagementPolicy |
PostgreSQL database system management policy. |
oci.psql.models.ManagementPolicyDetails |
PostgreSQL database system management policy update details. |
oci.psql.models.MonthlyBackupPolicy |
Monthly backup policy. |
oci.psql.models.NetworkDetails |
Network details for the database system. |
oci.psql.models.NoneBackupPolicy |
No backup policy. |
oci.psql.models.NoneSourceDetails |
This is used to create new database system or update without restoring from backup. |
oci.psql.models.OciOptimizedStorageDetails |
Storage details of the database system. |
oci.psql.models.PasswordDetails |
Details for the database system password. |
oci.psql.models.PatchDbSystemDetails |
For adding read replica database instances, the operation is INSERT and value object to specify is #/definitions/CreateDbInstanceDetails. |
oci.psql.models.PatchInsertInstruction |
An operation that inserts a value into an array, shifting array items as necessary and handling NOT_FOUND exceptions by creating the implied containing structure. |
oci.psql.models.PatchInstruction |
A single instruction to be included as part of Patch request content. |
oci.psql.models.PatchMergeInstruction |
An operation that recursively updates items of the selection, or adding the value if the selection is empty. |
oci.psql.models.PatchMoveInstruction |
An operation that “puts” values from elsewhere in the target, functionally equivalent to a single add and then a remove. |
oci.psql.models.PatchProhibitInstruction |
A precondition operation that requires a selection to be empty, or optionally to be non-empty but include no item with a specified value (useful for asserting that a value does not exist before attempting to create it, avoiding accidental update). |
oci.psql.models.PatchRemoveInstruction |
An operation that deletes items, ignoring NOT_FOUND exceptions. |
oci.psql.models.PatchReplaceInstruction |
An operation that “puts” a value, replacing every item of the selection with it, or creating it if the selection is empty. |
oci.psql.models.PatchRequireInstruction |
A precondition operation that requires a selection to be non-empty, and optionally to include an item with a specified value (useful for asserting that a value exists before attempting to update it, avoiding accidental creation). |
oci.psql.models.PlainTextPasswordDetails |
Details for in-line database system password. |
oci.psql.models.PrimaryDbInstanceDetails |
The primary database instance node details. |
oci.psql.models.ResetMasterUserPasswordDetails |
Password detail that will be used to reset the database system’s master user. |
oci.psql.models.RestartDbInstanceInDbSystemDetails |
Database instance node restart parameters. |
oci.psql.models.RestoreDbSystemDetails |
Backup details to restore the database system. |
oci.psql.models.ShapeCollection |
The list of shapes that can be used to create a database system. |
oci.psql.models.ShapeMemoryOptions |
Options for the the shape memory |
oci.psql.models.ShapeOcpuOptions |
Options for the the shape OCPU |
oci.psql.models.ShapeSummary |
Summary of the database system shape. |
oci.psql.models.SourceBackupDetails |
Information about the Source Backup associated with a backup. |
oci.psql.models.SourceDetails |
The source used to restore the database system. |
oci.psql.models.StorageDetails |
Storage details of the database system. |
oci.psql.models.UpdateBackupDetails |
The backup information to be updated. |
oci.psql.models.UpdateConfigurationDetails |
The information to update a configuration. |
oci.psql.models.UpdateDbConfigParams |
Configuration for the PostgreSQL database instance. |
oci.psql.models.UpdateDbSystemDbInstanceDetails |
Database instance node update parameters. |
oci.psql.models.UpdateDbSystemDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.psql.models.UpdateNetworkDetails |
Network details for the database system. |
oci.psql.models.UpdateStorageDetailsParams |
Storage details of the database system. |
oci.psql.models.VaultSecretPasswordDetails |
Secret details for the database system password. |
oci.psql.models.WeeklyBackupPolicy |
Weekly backup policy. |
oci.psql.models.WorkRequest |
An asynchronous work request. |
oci.psql.models.WorkRequestError |
An error encountered while executing a work request. |
oci.psql.models.WorkRequestErrorCollection |
Results of a workRequestError search. |
oci.psql.models.WorkRequestLogEntry |
A log message from the execution of a work request. |
oci.psql.models.WorkRequestLogEntryCollection |
Results of a workRequestLog search. |
oci.psql.models.WorkRequestResource |
A resource created or operated on by a work request. |
oci.psql.models.WorkRequestSummary |
A summary of the status of a work request. |
oci.psql.models.WorkRequestSummaryCollection |
Results of a workRequest search. |