mlm_insights.config_writer package


mlm_insights.config_writer.insights_config_writer module

class mlm_insights.config_writer.insights_config_writer.InsightsConfigWriter(insights_builder: InsightsBuilder, **storage_options: Any)

Bases: object

Config writer class for MLInsights Library. This will be used to build a config file from InsightsBuilder class instance.

add_test_to_config(test_config_input: TestConfig) Dict[str, Any]
config_json: str = ''
get_config() str
insights_builder: InsightsBuilder = None
save_config_to_object_storage(bucket_name: str, config_location: str, namespace: str, storage_options: Dict[str, Any] = {}) None
to_json(monitor_id: str | None = None, storage_details: Dict[str, Any] | None = None) str

Module contents